2 Ways to Fix This app can't open on Windows 10 (100% Work)
Windows default software is basically intended to make it easier for users to use the operating system. Imagine if Windows was not accompanied by File Explorer, surely many people would be confused about managing files, while looking for replacement software on the internet couldn’t be done because there was no included browser. This is why the default software needs to be provided in Windows.
The average Windows default software has limited features. One of the goals is so that users are not confused because not everyone is able to use a computer well. For example, you can see in File Explorer. If you compare the software with third-party software that has similar functions such as Directory Opus, Total Commander, Multi Commander, Q-Dir, and Double Commander, you will definitely see a huge difference in features.
Every software mentioned above consists of at least two panels. In fact, Q-Dir can display up to four panels at once. While the File Explorer provided by Windows only has one pane. However, in terms of convenience, File Explorer is definitely easier to use because of the simplicity of its features.
How to Fix This app can’t open on Windows 10
Windows default software is certainly not just File Explorer. There are still others such as Mail and Calendar to access email and schedule your daily activities or just check today’s date, Microsoft Edge for browsing the internet, Alarm & Clock as a time reminder as well as a reminder to do certain work, Sticky Notes for making small notes, Calculator that can be used for mathematical calculations as well as to calculate the difference in days between two dates, Photos to view photos, and Movies & TV to enjoy movies.
All Windows default software should be able to run directly without problems, but there are some users who can’t open some of the software. What appears is just a notification window containing the message “This app can’t open”. How do you get the software to run again as usual? For that we will review the method to fix it which you can read below.
1. Create a New Administrator Account
1. First of all you need to enter the menu Settings by using Windows key + I.
2. Enter the menu Family & other users then select Add someone else to this PC.
3. After that select I don’t have this person’s sign-in information.
4. After that select Add a user without a Microsoft account.
5. Enter the desired username and password. Don’t forget to add security questions and answers. Next select Next.
6. After the new user has been successfully created, then you need to change the account type by selecting Change account type.
7. For account type, we choose Administrator. After that, restart your laptop and then login using the new user.
2. Set the Security Policy
1. Click the Windows icon on the desktop or by pressing the Windows key.
2. Then type windows administrative tools then open the tool.
3. After window Administrative Tools open, then you choose Local Security Policy.
4. Then you select Local Policies.
5. Then you select Security Options.
6. Scroll down and find the text User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account. Then click 2X.
7. Next you select Enabled then select OK.
8. The next step is to make settings on the Regedit. Press the button Windows + R then type regedit then Enter.
9. If you get a warning like this, just select Yes.
10. After that go to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemUIPI. There will be a file named (Default) what you should click 2X.
11. In column Value data, insert 0x00000001(1) then select OK. Finally restart your laptop and the problem This app can’t open will be lost.
After you have gone through all the steps on how to solve this app can’t open on Windows 10 above, you should also check other Windows default software to make sure the problem does not apply to all UWP software. In addition to going through the Settings window, you can also see all installed UWP software using Hibit Uninstaller. The free software has a Windows Store Apps Manager which is dedicated to managing UWP software.
From there you can also find out the total number and size of all UWP software that is in your Windows. If there is software that you never use, you can immediately uninstall it to remove the software.
Founder and Chief Editor at Nesabamedia.com. I prefer watching movies than writing, just write when I’m in the mood. Pleased to meet you!
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