How to Make Good and Attractive PowerPoint Presentations
Making presentations is a skill that should be owned by every individual or professional individual. This is closely related to work, especially your ability to sell, whether it’s selling products, work or skills in yourself. To make a presentation, of course you should not be careless. Perhaps, instead of being interested, the client will be ilfeel with the results of your work.
In making presentations, we must take into account several things so that the results of the presentations we make can be more interesting and leave a good impression on the audience. Maybe some of these tips can help:
- Visual Hierarchy. In a presentation, you will more easily understand presentations that have a hierarchy or order visually. For example, the Topic Title is given a larger font size and in bold, then the sub-topic will be given a slightly smaller size and the content will be given a normal size. Also add a topic-appropriate image in the slide so that your slide will be more interesting.
- Slide Layout Design. When you make slides about teaching materials, the theme is very boring for the audience so it is possible for them not to pay attention to your presentation and even leave the room because they are so sleepy. You must be able to make a difference in each discussion so that the presentation does not seem boring. Add an image or animation to each discussion. Beautify the slide that contains the conclusion, so that the audience can more easily digest the topic you bring.
- The main idea of this point is, place the right type of font on the right topic. Avoid mixing fonts on the initial slide, because it will be very vulnerable for you to mess up. Use a large bold font (about >30pt) for the title and a normal font with a regular size (18pt) for the body.
- Color can change the feel of the entire content of the presentation as well as the mood of the audience. Use bright colors for presentations that seem casual and dark for presentations that seem more serious.
- In addition to the things above, you are also highly recommended to pay attention to details. Some of them, such as adding transitions and animations, adding multimedia files such as video files, or interesting graphics and tables, adding icons and images that are relevant to the topic being discussed will greatly assist the audience in understanding the topic and often become one of the determining indicators for the audience feels at home in their seats listening to your explanation.
How to Make Great PowerPoint Presentations
One other thing to look out for is the presentation template. Often the audience is bored when they see the same presentation templates.
It’s a good idea to try to find alternatives by looking for other templates from the internet. We will write down a few tips on how to use the free template once downloaded.
1. First of all, please visit a site that provides free presentation templates on the internet. One that you can use is the site Please browse and download a suitable presentation template for the topic you are going to convey.
2. Then after being downloaded or downloaded, open the folder where you saved the template file, then double-click it as a sign that you open a ppt or presentation file.
3. Then the Microsoft Power Point application or other presentation processing application will open the file.
4. You can directly edit the results of the download. You can change the font and slide content according to your wishes and needs.
Making a presentation is basically not a difficult thing to do, but it can’t be said to be easy either.
To make it you must also understand the market segment and the audience who will see the presentation so that they can better understand the content of your presentation. Thus the article related to the type of making this interesting presentation we wrote. Hopefully it can add to our knowledge.
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