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2 Ways to Restore Deleted Whatsapp Chats on iPhone

The WhatsApp application is currently a very popular application, not only it looks attractive, but also this application is very user friendly so that it makes users have no trouble when using it.

Sometimes you have a conversation that is so important to you that you will never delete it because there is a story or something behind the message. But you forgot and deleted the whatsapp application for some reason.

How to Restore Deleted Whatsapp Chats on iPhone

Many don’t know that chats on WhatsApp can be returned to the way they were before, so people often feel annoyed because chats that have been saved cannot be returned because they were accidentally deleted. But don’t worry, here I will share how to restore deleted WhatsApp chats on iPhone.

1. Restore chats with Message Backup on Whatsapp

Backup or backing up is very important, because if we have backed up important things if something happens, it can be restored as before. It’s the same with backing up messages on WhatsApp. If you have deleted the message by mistake and have backed it up before then you can easily restore it.

1. The first thing you have to do is back up messages/chats on your WhatsApp by opening it Whatsapp > Settings > Chats > Chat Backup.

How to Restore Deleted Whatsapp Chats on iPhone

You can see when was the last time your WhatsApp chat was backed up, if you haven’t backed up at a certain time and haven’t backed up then there is an important chat then you can click bakp now to backup your most recent chat.

2. Then delete the Whatsapp application on your iPhone, then reinstall the application. Then verify the phone number to be able to enter the Whatsapp account.

3. After verifying, an option will appear to restore the old conversation.

How to Restore Deleted Whatsapp Chats on iPhone

4. Then agree / Agree on the choice. Then your old important conversation or chat will reappear on WhatsApp.

2. By Using iTunes

If you frequently sync and backup on iTunes then this method is very effective to do.

1. The first thing you have to do is connect your iPhone with iTunes, then select Summary in iTunes then Click the button “Restore Backup …”

How to Restore Deleted Whatsapp Chats on iPhone

2. Select the backup file that you want to restore, as shown below, it can be seen that one of the files to be restored is a text message, this means that your deleted WhatsApp chat will return. But make sure that you have backed up the chat before. Then click “Restore” and wait for the process to finish. make sure your device is always connected during this process and you can disconnect/unplug the device once the sync is complete.

restore with iTunes

Now you don’t have to worry about your chats that have been deleted. You can follow the steps above provided you do a previous backup and be diligent in doing backups on your iPhone to make it easier to restore previous data if something happens. Hopefully this article is useful and can help many people. Thank you

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