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2 Ways to Change Font & Text Size in Windows 10

NESABAMEDIA.COM – Maybe as you get older, you have found it difficult to read the writing or fonts on your PC or laptop. Because the default of the writing or font on the laptop does feel a bit smaller. You don’t have to worry because Windows 10 provides a solution for you.

How to Change Font & Text Size On Windows 10

Windows 10 allows you to change the text size and even change the font shape. If you feel bored with the shape of the font that is just like that, you can change it according to the font you want. How to? Immediately, please refer to the following steps.

1. How to Change Fonts in Windows 10

1. Before changing the font, you must know what the name of the font you want to use first. The first step, please open the Settings menu on your PC or laptop. How, please click Windows icon which is in the lower left corner. As shown in the image below.

How to Change Font & Text Size On Windows 10

2. Then, please select the option Settings. As in the image below.

click settings

3. Then, select Personalization. As shown in the image below.

click personalization

4. Then, on the left menu, please click fonts. As shown in the image below.

How to Change Font & Text Size On Windows 10

5. Well, on the right you will see lots of fonts that are already installed on your PC or laptop. Please specify what font you want to use. If you have determined the font, please remember or note the name of the font.


6. Then, the next step please open it Notepad on your PC or laptop. Then, please copy and paste the text as shown in the image below. To make it easier, I’ve rewritten it below.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts]
“Segoe UI(TrueType)”=””
“Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)”=””
“Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)”=””
“Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)”=””
“Segoe UI Light (TrueType)”=””
“Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)”=””
“Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)”=””
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFontSubstitutes]
“Segoe UI”=”Cooper”

change font

Well, then on the “Segoe UI”=”Cooper” section, which red boxed, please change the name of your font earlier. Here I want to change it to Cooper, so I wrote Cooper. Please adjust the font of your choice earlier.

7. When finished, please save it with any name, but with the formatt.reg at the end. Like the example image below.

How to Change Font & Text Size On Windows 10

8. If you have, then the file will be like the image below. Please double click on the file.

click file

9. Then, in the window that appears, please click Yes. As shown in the image below.

click yes

10. Then, please click Ok.

click ok

11. Done. Now please you restart your PC or laptop. And see if your font changed or not.

What if you want to return the font to the default form?

1. Please open notepad and write the contents in the image below. To make it easier for you, I have written the contents.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts]
“Segoe UI (TrueType)”=”segoeui.ttf”
“Segoe UI Black (TrueType)”=”seguibl.ttf”
“Segoe UI Black Italic (TrueType)”=”seguibli.ttf”
“Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)”=”segoeuib.ttf”
“Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)”=”segoeuiz.ttf”
“Segoe UI Emoji (TrueType)”=”seguiemj.ttf”
“Segoe UI Historic (TrueType)”=”seguihis.ttf”
“Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)”=”segoeuii.ttf”
“Segoe UI Light (TrueType)”=”segoeuil.ttf”
“Segoe UI Light Italic (TrueType)”=”seguili.ttf”
“Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)”=”seguisb.ttf”
“Segoe UI Semibold Italic (TrueType)”=”seguisbi.ttf”
“Segoe UI Semilight (TrueType)”=”segoeuisl.ttf”
“Segoe UI Semilight Italic (TrueType)”=”seguisli.ttf”
“Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)”=”seguisym.ttf”
“Segoe MDL2 Assets (TrueType)”=”segmdl2.ttf”
“Segoe Print (TrueType)”=”segoepr.ttf”
“Segoe Print Bold (TrueType)”=”segoeprb.ttf”
“Segoe Script (TrueType)”=”segoesc.ttf”
“Segoe Script Bold (TrueType)”=”segoescb.ttf”
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFontSubstitutes]
“Segoe UI”=-

change font

2. Then, continue like steps 7 to 11.

3. And done.

2. How to Change Text Size in Windows 10

1. First, please open the Settings menu on your PC or laptop. How, please click Windows icon which is in the lower left corner. As shown in the image below.

click windows icon

2. Then, please select the option Settings. As in the image below.

click settings

3. Then, select Ease of Access. As shown in the image below.

click ease of access

4. Then, on the left menu, please click Display. As in the image below.

click display

5. Then, on the right side you can immediately see the font size settings. Please just slide the existing toggle, as shown in the image below. Adjust to the size you want.

change font size

6. Then, please click Apply to apply it. As shown in the image below.

click apply

7. Done.

So this article discusses how to change the shape and font size in Windows 10 very easily. You don’t need any additional app to change it. Hopefully this article can be helpful and useful for you. Thank you

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