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How to Play Chess Rush Solo, Duo and Squad

mrfdn – Playing chess rush with friends will be very fun.

Moreover, our friends already understand how to play chess rush correctly, so we don’t have to bother trying to explain what needs to be done.

Playing as a team in Chess rush can be done with 2 or 4 people in 1 team.

play chess rush solo, duo and squad

Unlike playing solo, playing in squad has its own experience.

Because each player can support each other to win the match.

For example, you are collecting Summoner and Olympian heroes. But it turns out that it is not complete to become 6 heroes. Then coincidentally your friend gets the hero you are looking for.

So when our friend wins the match against another player, he will automatically come to our board to help fight the enemy, and complete the build. Summoner and Olympian we.

That’s really cool!

And some more I will mention below.

Why do you have to play as a team squad chess rush?

There are several benefits that I feel when playing chess rush.

  • Quickly increase points
  • Train team cohesiveness
  • Practice winning strategy
  • Have fun with friends

How to play team duo (2 people) and squad (4 people) chess rush

We certainly already know how to play solo or alone. So I don’t need to explain how.

Here’s how to play chess rush with a duo or squad.

  1. Open chess rush game
  2. Make sure all friends who will be playing are online, and not playing, by looking at their profiles that are currently active with a green dot.
    friend status offline online playing chess rush solo duo squad
  3. You can also click the (+) button in the lobby, then select active friends to invite them.
    invite team chess rush
  4. If they accept our request then their account will appear together with us on their respective cellphone screens.
  5. Select the game mode, by pressing the “Classic Solo” button at the bottom right, then select “Duo”.
  6. Finally press Play to start the game.

Things to pay attention to when playing chess rush duo and squad


During the game, we can communicate with teammates using the cellphone mic.

This is useful for determining what strategy can be done after seeing the strategy that is being used by the opponent.

The smoother our communication with friends, the better the chances of winning because it is arranged in such a way.

In addition to using a mic, you can also communicate using chat media between teams.

Please press the “chat message” at the bottom right.

  • If the writing is green then the message can only be read by teammates.
  • But if the message is white then the message will be read by everyone who is playing.

Reviving each other

Revive means to save a friend who has lost first.

When a team member runs out of blood, a notification will appear on the screen to revive a teammate.

Just like reviving the PUBG Mobile game.

Do it in approximately 5 seconds, because if you don’t do it then your friend will actually return to the lobby, and can’t follow the match until it’s finished with you.

And vice versa if you die first in this game.

The final word

Those are the tips for playing in a duo team and 4 person squad in the chess rush game.

Have a nice play.

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