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5 Annoying Reasons Why Someone AFK In Mobile Legends

AFK stands for Away From Keyboard.

In Mobile Legends itself, AFK is a player who leaves the game.

Whether it’s intentional or unintentional.

But, did you know that there are 5 annoying reasons why someone AFK in Mobile Legends.

Here are 5 annoying reasons why someone AFK in Mobile Legends.

5 Annoying Reasons Why Someone AFK In Mobile Legends

1. Get Team Noob

first blood mobile legendsGot a noob team?

It was a nightmare for every Mobile Legends player.

Especially when playing ranked mode.

That’s the reason some people deliberately AFK, which is because they can be a noob team.

So they were desperate at the start of the game and decided to AFK.

Also read: 5 Things You Need To Prepare Before Playing Mobile Legends

2. Slaughtered by the Opposing Team

first blood mobile legends

The second reason is just as annoying as the first.

There are some people who deliberately AFK because at the beginning of the game their team was slaughtered by the opposing team.

So he argues that there is no chance for his team to win the game.

As a result, with his shallow thoughts, he chose to deliberately AFK rather than continue the game.

Even though your team is slaughtered in the early game, you can turn things around in the mid and late games.

The most important thing is optimism and good team communication.

Also read: Here’s How To Report AFK Players In Mobile Legends

3. Poor Internet Signal, Intermittent

mobile legends boy

A bad internet signal can be the most popular reason why someone AFK when playing Mobile Legends.

That’s why I often write on Androbuntu that one of the main requirements for playing Mobile Legends is to play using a smooth internet connection.

If you AFK when playing Mobile Legends because you are forced to use bad internet, that’s fate.

Also read: Do These 5 Things If Your Friends Have AFK In Mobile Legends

4. There is an Incoming Call

An incoming call or phone can also be a nightmare for those of you who are playing Mobile Legends.

How not, when a call comes in, internet access on your smartphone will be immediately cut off.

We may not be able to prevent other people from calling us.

However, there are some things you can do.

Among other things, activate airplane mode, then use wifi.

Also read: 5 Rarely Known Airplane Mode Functions

5. Accidentally Hits Notifications

mobile legends notification

The last and most annoying reason why someone AFK when playing Mobile Legends is because he accidentally pressed the notification.

One of the most common are WhatsApp, Facebook and LINE notifications.

If you have touched the notification once, then you will exit the game, it is difficult again when you want to enter Mobile Legends.

So so that when you play Mobile Legends you are not disturbed, turn off notifications on your smartphone.

You can read the method in the Androbuntu article entitled: how to disable notifications when playing Mobile Legends.


Well, those were 5 ridiculous reasons why someone AFK in Mobile Legends.

Hopefully when you play you don’t get a team that likes AFK like the one above.

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