Dota 2 Hero Guide: Jakiro
Jakiro is one of the heroes intelligence who has the ability crowd control long distance as well damage per second which is very good. Not only that, he is also able to do tower push very well.
Because it has crowd control good but not mobile and don’t have damage physically, this hero is more often used as a support. Even so, don’t ever take it lightly damage output owned by this hero.
- Have a large enough HP
- Able to do tower push very well
- Crowd control which is cheap, has a long range, and a very large AoE
- Can operate well even without items
- No mobile
- Have armor which is small, making it vulnerable to damage physical
- Spell hers has an old animation, so it can be avoided easily
Skill Set Jakiro
1. Dual Breath
Jakiro let out successive bursts of ice and fire. Its icicles slowed movement, while its flames produced damage per second to all hit enemies.

- Cast range: 750
- Radius of the start of the burst: 225
- Radius of the end of the burst: 275
- Spray distance: 750
- Movement speed slow: 28%/32%/36%/40%
- Slow attack speed: 28/32/36/40
- Damage: 20/40/60/80 per second
- duration: 5 seconds
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Where is the cost: 140/150/160/170
Dual Breath is one of the sources damage as well as tools teamfight, farming, and lane pushing for Jakiro. At max level, Dual Breath can produce a total of 400 damage gradually. This does not take into account the effects slow resulting from.
But one thing you need to remember is, each Dual Breath bursts out separately. So, there is a possibility that your opponent will only accept one of them because it can dodge or accidentally enter one of the bursts. That way, your opponent might just accept slow or damage just.
2. Ice Path
Jakiro created a trail of ice along a straight line. Opponents who are caught or walk into this path will be hit stun and receive damage in small quantities.

- Cast range: 1200
- Track distance: 1200
- Ice radius: 150
- delay effect: 0.5 second
- Damage: 50
- Track duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds
- Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 seconds
- Where is the cost: 100
Ice Path is the only one disable owned by Jakiro. Skills this is difficult to land because it has a long animation. But instead skills it has a very long range and a very large area, so you can take it out from a safer distance.
Final, cooldown for skills it’s also relatively short, so if you’re accurate enough in landing skills this, you can contribute greatly in teamfight because it can withstand many opponents continuously.
3. Liquid Fire
Jakiro’s attack turned into fire, resulting in damage per second to an opponent in an area and slows down attack speed.

- Cast range: 600
- Effect Radius: 300
- Slow attack speed: 30/40/50/60
- Damage: 12/16/20/24 per second
- Duration: 5 seconds
- Cooldown: 20/15/10/4
Liquid Fire is skills which makes Jakiro quite annoying at lane. For not using where, he can use it continuously to do harass. Especially at level four cooldown Liquid Fire is also very short, which is only four seconds.
But most importantly, Liquid Fire can be fired at buildings, including tower. This makes tower opponent will receive damage gradually, and which should not be forgotten, make tower attack much slower. This will be very helpful in push because creeps as well as your teammates can last much longer under tower opponent.
4. Macropyre
Jakiro spewed a sea of flames into a huge area in front of him. The opponent standing in the sea of fire will receive damage per second is very large. If using Aghanim’s Scepter, Macropyre will have distance, duration, and damage the greater one.

- Cast range: 1400 (1800 with Aghanim)
- Fire distance: 1400 (1800 with Aghanim)
- Fire Radius: 260
- Damage: 100/140/180 per second (125/175/225 per second with Aghanim)
- Duration: 10 seconds (30 seconds with Aghanim)
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Where is the cost: 220/330/440
Just like Ice Path, Macropyre is also difficult to land optimally. You really need crowd control so that your opponent stays as long as possible on top of Macropyre. But if you or your team can do it, you will earn damage Very large.
Talent Tree
- Level 25: +1 second for Ice Path duration or Macropyre penetrate spell immunity and produce pure damage
- Level 20: +325 Dual Breath distance or +50 Liquid Fire slow attack speed
- Level 15: +25 damage per second for Dual Breath or -1 second cooldown Ice Path
- Level 10: +6% spell amplification or +325 attack range
Also read: Dota 2 Guide: Know the Types of Damage and the Differences (Physical, Magic, Pure)

Skill build for Jakiro is actually quite flexible and depends on the game situation. But there is one thing that you are sure to do in all build, namely maximizing Liquid Fire as soon as possible. Cooldown skills this at level four is very short and will be very useful to do lane harass and of course tower push.
After that, you usually want to take one level each for Ice Path and Dual Breath before hitting level six. The goal is for you to get the effect crowd control from each skills the. But in certain cases you may need to skip Dual Breath and focus on the Ice Path so you can get the duration stun as long as possible.
Well, which one you take first at level one really depends on the situation. Most players take Dual Breath for lane harass. But if you want to do pressure up to tower, take Liquid Fire first at level one.
After maximizing Liquid Fire, you usually need to maximize Ice Path to gain duration stun the longer one. Then just maximize Dual Breath.
Take Macropyre and Talent at standard levels, namely levels six, 12, and 18 for Macropyre, and 10, 15, 20, and 25 for Talent.

Jakiro is a hero who doesn’t really need it items. So make sacrifices for your team by buying couriers as well as Wards. To top it off, buy standard regeneration like Tango and also Healing Salve.
The most ideal shoes for Jakiro are Arcane Boots. You will often use skills, especially in teamfight. So, where addition and regeneration where will be very useful for you and your team. Alternatively, if your team doesn’t need regeneration where, and you probably won’t spend too much skills, take Tranquil Boots.
If you can get gold, try to buy Eul’s Scepter of Divinity. Apart from giving movement speed and regeneration where which will be very useful, you can use Cyclone on your opponent so you can land Ice Path easily. To complete this mobility, buy a Force Staff which will be very useful for you and your teammates.
Outside items There are many alternatives that you can take depending on the situation. If your team need sustain Additionally, you can buy Urn of Shadows or Mekansm. If you still need cast range additionally, buy an Aether Lens. If you find that you have to take out damage as big as possible from skills yours, use Aghanim’s Scepter or Veil of Discord.

With skill set what he has, Jakiro is more suited to the role of support who lives in lane. Your task is toharass opponent uses Liquid Fire as well as Dual Breath. If it can be done effectively, this effort of yours will be very annoying for the opponent, because they will continuously receive damage.
Using Liquid Fire and Dual Breath might make creeps in lane be encouraged. Here, you can do two things.
If you want to destroy tier 1 tower fight as soon as possible, keep doing push up to tower, then installment tower it uses Liquid Fire. But always make sure you can do it safely because you will be at risk of getting it gank from the opponent.
If you don’t want to do push too early, step back a little and do it pull. Therefore creeps in lane will retreat to a safer position, and you also gain some XP and gold.
Lastly, always prepare TP, especially if you already have Ice Path and Macropyre. Two skills this can easily turn things around if your opponent gets hit gank.
Also read: Dota 2 Guide: Concepts and How to Do Pulling

Enter mid game, you should be a little more active. If your team will do teamfight and gank, always be prepared from a safe distance. Jakiro has the ability teamfight which is great, so don’t waste it. The only thing you should pay attention to is your position in teamfight. You have skills whose shooting range is quite far, so stand at the back while occasionally coming forward spewing Liquid Fire.
For Jakiro, one win teamfight can be converted into one tower. So, after you teamfight or gank, do push to tower If possible. If not, do a little lane push or farming in the forest. Because not only tower pusher, you too are lane pusher the good one. Just don’t be rash and out of position unless you have a teammate near you.

In late game, the amount of HP you have becomes less relevant, especially if your opponent relies on physical attacks. If you’re not careful, opponents with strong physical attacks like Phantom Assassin or Templar Assassin can easily kill you in seconds.
Don’t go forward too often and be seen by your opponent unless you want to cast Liquid Fire on the tower opponent. When you want to do teamfight, always aim choke point to maximize accuracy and damage from Macropyre, Dual Breath, and also Ice Path.
Even though it’s slow and completely lacking burst damage, Jakiro is support who can give crowd control which is very good. If played with the right hero composition, this hero will be very annoying and can produce damage big to hero or tower opponent.
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