Following RRQ, The Prime Disbands Dota 2 Roster
Not long after RRQ announced disbandment Dota 2 roster, another Indonesian team followed, namely The Prime. Announced last April 29, roster The Prime which was last only strengthened by four people is no longer continued.
The Prime itself is one of the teams that has been in business for a long time Dota 2 homeland. Unfortunately, despite being one of the seniors, this team rarely reaps significant achievements both locally and internationally.
A few months ago, this team reappeared in the spotlight due to the arrival of InYourDream as one of the players. But in the end one person is not enough to beat another team even at homeland level. After InYourDream finally joined EVOS Esports, the fate of this team was then questioned.
Until this news was revealed, The Prime does not seem to have any intention of looking for a replacement, at least in the near future.
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