Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Abaddon
Abaddon is a hero strength who can give sustainability significant to the team or himself. Not only that, skill set what he has also gives him options utility very wide and choice build very much.
Initially, this hero was considered a support defensive and not very popular either in public games as well as tournaments. But lately this hero has become one of the main choices for positions offlane with a role not so different from the position support, that is sustain and utility.
- Tanky
- Can give sustainability to yourself and your team
- Have utility very wide
- Low cooldown
- No mobile
- Armor the little one
- Skillsit has old animation and where is the cost big enough
1. Mist Coil
Abaddon shoots energy using where and HP, resulting in damage to the enemy or heal to the target teammate.

- Distance: 575
- Projectile Speed: 1600
- Damage to yourself: 75/100/125/150
- Damage to the enemy: 120/165/210/255
- Heal to teammates: 120/165/210/255
- Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
- Where is the cost: 50
Mist Coil is utility skills which is quite flexible in teamfight. You can use it for damage or save your teammates. Not only that, skills it also has a very good synergy with the two skills other of this hero. That way you are not too afraid of the side effects.
Skills it can also give lethal damage. So you can kill yourself with skills This is if you are in a dying and desperate condition.
2. Aphotic Shield
Abaddon puts a shield on himself or a teammate and eliminates all debuff. While active, this shield will absorb a certain amount of damage from the enemy. This shield will break if the duration runs out or absorbs damage maximum, and produce damage to surrounding opponents according to the number damage which is absorbed.

- Distance: 500
- Radius damage: 675
- Capacity damage absorbable: 110/140/170/200
- Damage maximum that can be generated: 110/140/170/200
- Duration: 15 seconds
- Cooldown: 12/10/8/6
- Where is the cost: 100/105/110/110
Aphotic Shield is skills your main. This shield helps you on almost all occasions. In teamfight, you can use skills this to the affected hero stun and/or who need protection. This shield is also very helpful when your team is doing dive aggressively.
Not only that, the Aphotic Shield is also useful for doing harass in early game. By attaching it to creeps who is receiving damage, you force the opponent to choose to accept damage for the sake of getting last hits or stay away so as not to get hit damage. At the same time skills it can also be used to do push as well as farming for having damage AoE.
3. Curse of Avernus
Abaddon’s attack will deliver debuff that slows down movement speed opponent. If the same opponent is attacked four times within a few seconds, that opponent will receive silence and slow. Besides, whoever attacks this opponent will receive buff attack speed.

- Number of attacks: 4
- Movement speed slow beginning: 10%/15%/20%/25%
- Movement speed slow after curse active: 15%/30%/45%/60%
- Bonus Attack speed: 40/60/80/100
- Duration debuff: 2.5 seconds
- Initial debuff duration: 5 seconds
- Duration debuff moment curse active: 4.5 seconds
- Duration buff: 4 seconds
Curse of Avernus can help Abaddon and his teammates do teamfight and push. In teamfight, your teammates can focus on attacking the affected opponent debuff in order to kill him quickly. If your opponent runs away, your team can also chase him because he gets movement speed
In doing push, you can also help your teammates destroy tower quickly because your teammates get bonuses attack speed which is quite significant.
4. Borrowed Time
When active, Borrowed Time will remove debuff which Abaddon had at the time. All damage that Abaddon received will turn into heal. If not in cooldown, Borrowed Time will activate automatically if Abaddon is in a dying condition.
Aghanim’s Scepter will make Borrowed Time have a longer duration. In addition, each time a nearby teammate receives 525 damage, you will fire Mist Coil at that teammate.

- HP limit for automatic activation: 400
- Radius (Aghanim’s Scepter): 1600
- Damage which redirects to Abaddon (Aghanim’s Scepter): 50%
- Duration: 4/5/6 (5/6/7 with Aghanim’s Scepter)
- Cooldown: 60/50/40 seconds
Borrowed Time is skills which made Abaddon even more difficult to kill. On the verge of death, Abaddon can return to full HP if you still receive damage. Opponents are forced to patiently wait for the effect of Borrowed Time to wear off. But if you have a teammate around you, your opponent certainly can’t stay near you just to wait for it to disappear. At the same time Abaddon can also injure himself with the Mist Coil.
This Borrowed Time interaction sometimes forces the opponent to focus on other heroes if they do it teamfight. But Abaddon himself is usually at the forefront and wreaks havoc while making all of his comrades survive longer. So, the only way is to isolate it.
Talent Tree
- Level 25: Mist Coil has AoE 375 or +180 shield Aphotic Shield
- Level 20: +80 damage or 15% cooldown reduction
- Level 15: +48 damage/heal Mist Coil or +6 armor
- Level 10: +8 strength or +15 movement speed

Aphotic Shield is skills and should always be maximized from the start. Its role and function in teamfight, saving teammates, as well as farming and pushing too good to pass up. After that, you should maximize the Curse of Avernus. Besides having scaling better, effect skills it’s also very useful to do push and also teamfight.
For the Mist Coil, if you need it for a bit heal or burst damage, take one level before you hit level 10. But if you don’t need it, you better skip it skills this until you maximize skills another. Mist Coil has scaling the bad one.

If you ask items what is suitable and should be made first for this hero, I will answer anything goes. Abaddon is a versatile and very flexible hero. This makes him have a lot build items which varies depending on the game situation.
For this guide, we will provide build for Abaddon who plays utility offlaner which is more tanky and aggressive.
At the start of the game, you need the standard regeneration sets, namely Tango and Healing Salve. After that you can equip it with Clarity, some Iron Branches, and a Stout Shield that you can make into a Poor Man’s Shield if needed. After that, buy a Ring of Basilius in order to regenerate where and armor addition.
Your choice of shoes varies and depends on the situation. If you are required to use it more often spell, buy Arcane Boots. If you need flexibility between where, damage, and HP, use Power Treads. If you need damage larger ones, use Phase Boots. For this guide use Phase Boots so you can become a terrible frontline hero.

If you have farm enough, you can buy Helm of The Dominator to get stats and additional regeneration. If not, immediately buy Vladmir’s Offering. Items it gives you everything you need, from sustain of bonuses armor, regeneration, and lifesteal given, as well as additional damage to finish off the mushu when you advance to the front line.
After that your choices vary greatly depending on the situation. Generally Blade Mail will be a good choice in almost any situation as you’ll be on the front lines most of the time and receiving damage. But after that, you have many choices items.
To utility Additionally, you can use Blink Dagger, Lotus Orb, or Linken’s Sphere. To make it even harder to kill, you can buy Octarine Core, Aghanim’s Scepter, or Assault Cuirass. If you need damage Additionally, Radiance or Skull Basher to the Abyssal Blade are solid choices.

Your task at the beginning of the game is more or less similar to the task offlaner in general, namely survival and farming as much as possible. Luckily, thanks to Aphotic Shield, you can do both at the same time. Besides, the Aphotic Shield can also damage the rendezvous creeps which will certainly benefit you.
It’s just that, because at the beginning of the game you have where limited, use wisely. My advice, don’t use Aphotic Shield while before skills it’s level two or three, because damage generated is not so significant to take last hits or do harass.
Your task will be much easier if you are not alone at lane. But even if you are alone, as long as you are careful and understand your limits, you can at least get a level. That way if expelled from lane, you can at least get something in the forest.

Enter mid game, start to be more active. If used at the right time, the Aphotic Shield can easily reverse the opponent’s initiation and win teamfight. But for that, you must have positioning right.
Though tanky, don’t rush too far on the front line. Stand behind another hero who will be the main target of the opponent first. If you or your opponent initiates, only advance to the front lines after using the Aphotic Shield. After that just advance to the front line.
Generally, Borrowed Time only needs to be activated automatically to save you from dying. But sometimes you have to use it early to get away from disable opponent, especially if you have to keep moving in order to use the Aphotic Shield or earn damage on the front line.
Once won teamfight, your team should be able to pick up the objective easily thanks to the Curse of Avernus which will provide buff to the teammate who hit Roshan or tower.

Enter late game, if you have farm enough, you’ll probably be at the forefront more often being tank which pave the way for your teammates.
Don’t forget to keep doing spam Aphotic Shield to anyone in need. Every extra HP from skills this will be very helpful in the middle teamfight, especially if you take the HP Aphotic Shield bonus Talent at level 25.
Besides that, your job is to get in front and mess up your opponent’s formation. Because in this phase, apart from providing the Aphotic Shield and firing the Mist Coil, your role is more or less the same as the hero carry, i.e. produce damage as much as possible.
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