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Survey Shows 59% of Women Hide Gender When Playing Online Games to Avoid Harassment

GAMEFINITY.ID, Purworejo – According to the survey, 59% of women choose to hide their gender when playing online games. This is intended to avoid harassment. They usually choose to use a non-gender identity or pretend to be male.

This survey was conducted by Reach3 Insights in collaboration with Lenovo. The survey involved 900 women in China, Germany and the United States and 98 men in the United States about the experiences they had while playing games.


Not only that, many new facts were revealed in this survey, including the fact that 77% of women surveyed said that they had experienced gender-specific discrimination when playing online games.

Discrimination regarding skills (70%), falling victim to gatekeeping (65%) and receiving degrading comments (50%) were the most reported problems by female gamers when playing online games. In addition, 44 percent of women said they received questions about their relationship status while playing online games.

Another fact also shows that it turns out that women play the same game as men. From this survey, 88% of women play competitive games, 75% play action/survival games and 66% play shooter games.

Then, when asked about improving the gaming industry’s treatment of women, 71% of them thought it would improve the representation of women in advertising. In addition, 42% of female gamers want the company to encourage more women to be included on the esports team.

The data above shows that nowadays more and more women are interested in playing games. The stigma of playing games only for men is no longer valid, because women also have the right to be gamers.

Therefore, improvements and improvements must continue to be made to overcome existing problems. This may not be easy, but we can start with small things from ourselves.

For those of you who want to read the results of this survey more fully, you can visit the Reach3 Insights website here.

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