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Plagiarized? These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

Currently the MOBA genre game is very popular. If a few years ago MOBAs could only be played on computers, now there are many choices of MOBA games on smartphones.

And one of the most popular of course is Mobile Legends. Even so popular, ML is often referred to as the Dota of smartphones.

But, if you’ve played these two games, of course you’ll realize something. That is, there are similarities between some of the heroes in these two games.

Anyone? Check out the review below.

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These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

1. Mogul Khan – Ax – Balmond

These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

In Warcraft aka Dota 1 there is a Tanker hero named Mogul Khan. He has a distinctive skin, which is red. He also later appeared in Dota 2 under the name Ax.

Besides being able to act as a Tanker, these two fierce-looking heroes can also be Fighters.

Well, if you are a Mobile Legends player, of course you will be very familiar with their appearance. Because in Mobile Legends there is Balmond, a hero who is very similar to Mogul Khan / Axe.

Physically, they are all very similar. Has red skin, a stocky body, and a fierce face. Not only that, they all also don’t use protective clothing.

One more similarity between the three of them, namely from the skill. They both have a very deadly spinning skill.

2. Akasha – Queen of Pain – Alice

These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

If you look at the picture above, you’ll definitely be amazed if they all look very similar, right?

Akasha is a hero from Dota 1, while Queen of Pain is from Dota 2, and Alice is from Mobile Legends. There are at least 4 points of similarity between the three of them, namely:

  • Both have wings
  • The same is the depiction of a witch girl
  • Both have horns
  • The skill area is equally painful

The three heroes above are also known as ganker heroes. Or a hero with a very sick combo skill.

Therefore they are all very useful during war.

3. Pudge – Franco

These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

If you are a Dota lover (both 1 and 2), you are certainly no stranger to a hero named Pudge. Pudge can be found in both Dota 1 and Dota 2.

Pudge is known as a reliable Tanker and initiator.

In Mobile Legends we also know 1 Tanker who is very similar to Pudge, namely Franco.

Both appearance, role, and skills, Franco is very similar to Pludge Dota 2.

Just look, they are both described as stocky people with ruthless faces.

And of course the most similar is the skill of the two, which is to attract enemies using hooks.

4. Traxex – Drow Ranger – Miya

These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

In Dota 1 there is an elf hero named Traxex. He is a skilled archer.

While in Dota 2, the hero is known as Drow Roger. They both look the same and have the same abilities.

Again in Mobile legends we will also find heroes similar to them. Yes, that’s right, there is Miya in Mobile Legends.

The following is a list of similarities between the three of them:

  • Both use arrows as their main weapon
  • Both girls from the elf race
  • You’re both Carry heroes

But even though they are similar, the three of them also have some differences. One of them is skin color.

Traxex and Drow Ranger have darker skin tones. While Miya looks whiter, so it’s more cute.

5. Monkey King – Sun

These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to DOTA 2 and Warcraft

For these two heroes, there is no need to explain anymore. Both are very identical in terms of physical appearance and also the weapons used.

Monkey King in Dota 2 is an ape stealth, as well as Sun from Mobile Legends. They both use sticks as weapons.


Those are 5 heroes with the same level of similarity between Dota 1m, Dota 2, and Mobile Legends.

As it happens?

Who knows.

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