Night Stalker is the most widely used str hero and is banned in The International 7 tournament. The reason is clear, because in Patch 7.06, the Hunter in the Night skill got a big buff. Buff makes this hero able to fly for a short time.
Thanks to these flying skills, this hero’s cruising support increases at night which makes Night Stalker very strong in competitive matches. The Night Stalker’s ability completely ignored the terrain.
This hero does have a win percentage of just under 50 percent at TI7, but his impact on the match is undeniable. This hero is the perfect picture of a true terror in the night.
The Grim Reaper or Necrophos became terrible after getting a buff in patch 7.06. The ghost regeneration bonus of 25 percent makes this hero very helpful for the team when fighting. Not to mention the reduction of blood against the enemy due to one of the skills it has. In the initial phase, the combination of instant restoration and Magic Stick or Magic Wand is able to make this hero suppress enemy lanes very easily.
At TI7, Necrophos played in 32 games. This hero’s win rate is almost 60 percent. MATUMBAMAN is a very brilliant player when playing this hero at The International 7.
Keeper of the Light
Keeper of the Light is included in the DotA 2 hero category Most Often Picked in the 2021-2021 Season, but not because many use it. This hero is included in the DotA 2 hero category that stands out in the 2021-2021 season because of GH’s performance that shows its magical performances. This performance has brought Team Liquid an advantage in every match at TI7. At TI7, GH’s Keeper of the Light posted a 71.4 percent win rate. This incident brought KOTL to the spotlight.
Bristleback was the Most Often Picked for a short time at the start of the 2021-2021 MOBA DotA 2 game tournament. Epicenter season two and Manila Masters saw this hero used prominently, with a win rate of nearly 61 percent over 42 matches.
Nyx Assassin
Nyx Assassin is a powerful support in patch 7.06. This hero has high natural HP regeneration. That way, this hero is able to stay on track for a long time. Not to mention that this hero has decent stun and damage which makes him very good at disturbing enemies, especially enemy intelligence heroes.
Nyx Assassin’s win rate is up to 71 percent over 45 games in TI7. With these statistics, Nyx is the most effective tournament hero in the tournament. Effectively, it pushed Valve to nerf him at 7.06f.
Earthshaker is the fourth most used hero in TI7. He is a scary specter after patch 7.06. This hero is very strong for maintaining lane and also roaming. When roaming, ES is very scary when in a duet with Crystal Maiden or KOTL. It is evident from the statistics of the 2021-2021 season tournament.
This hero is usually used in semi support or position 4. The best example of its wearer is GH on The International 7. However, this hero can also be used as a mid laner thanks to the high instant damage from the Enchant Totem skill. The best example of using ES on a mid laner is Sumail from Evil Geniuses when EG competed in the Epicenter tournament against iG
Flexibility makes Earthshaker a more dangerous hero in competitive matches. Sand King may have been used more at TI7, but the four percent win difference suggests Earthshaker is the more effective hero choice.
Slardar was one of the most popular initiating heroes last season. This hero was the most popular at the Boston Major, so he was banned 52 times across the group and the playoffs. In 22 matches when Slardar can be used, this hero is able to record a win rate of 59 percent.
Slardar got a nerf after the Boston Major, but that didn’t reduce the effectiveness of this hero as an initiator in the international DotA 2 tournament. He is very good to use because of his high ganking potential thanks to his Guardian Sprint skill, and also Slithereen Crush combined with the Blink Dagger item. In the 2021-2021 season, the most brilliant performance of this hero was shown by S4 at the Grand Final of the Boston Major.
Monkey King
The Monkey King was originally designed to be a hard carry or mid laner. However, nerf from Valve made this hero finally used as support in competitive matches. On paper, Monkey King’s ability still shows that this hero is a strong damager hero in mid-to-late games. However, the Tree Dance and Boundless Strike skills that make him strong in the lane, make this hero very suitable as support.
In essence, Monkey King’s support is like an Earthshaker coupled with the ability to jump on trees. At the end of the game, this hero has more rights to switch to the carry role, thanks to items like Basher and Desolator.
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