How to Install Flutter in Android Studio for Beginners (+Image)
How to install Flutter in Android Studio for mobile app development. Complete with configuration.
Flutter was introduced in May 2021 which was developed by Google. Because Flutter is Open Source, the development becomes faster. Flutter can be installed on various platforms both windows, mac, and linux. Before installing Flutter, there are several requirements that must be on your PC or laptop, including:
- Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 or later (64-bit), x86-64 based
- Disk Space: 1.32 GB (excluding disk space for IDE/tools).
- Tools:
- Windows PowerShell 5.0 or later (this is usually automatic in Windows 10)
- Git for Windows 2.xIf you already have Git make sure you can run git commands from command prompt or powershell
If all the tools have been met, please just follow the steps on how to install Flutter in Android Studio below.
1. Downloading the Flutter SDK
1. First, please open the browser on your PC or laptop. Then, please go to the official Flutter website to download it or you can directly click here.
2. My advice for beginners, it is better to choose the latest version of Futter SDK (top) with type Stable Channel. As in the image below.
3. Wait a few moments until the download is complete.
4. Then, if the process is complete you will get a file in the form of .rar. Please extract the file and save it in the folder directory you want. For example I save it in a folder C:TI for easy access. As in the image below. And remember don’t save the file in C:Program Files.
2. Flutter Installation
1. After you have finished extracting and saving the Flutter folder in the desired directory, then you must update the Flutter path.
2. Please open Environment Variables or just type it in the search field Env. Then, please click Environment Variables, as in the image below.
3. Then, please choose Path then click Edit. As shown in the image below.
4. Then, please enter the Path from the bin directory in the Flutter folder. My example C:TIflutterbin like the picture below. Then, please click Ok.
5. Then, to check whether your Flutter is installed properly, please open it Command Prompt. Then, type flutter. As in the image below.
6. Then, wait a while until it appears Welcome to Flutters! like the picture below. If an error message appears, please check the previous steps again.
3. Installing Flutter in Android Studio
1. Now, please open the Android Studio application.
2. Then, please click Configure like in the picture below.
3. Then, please select Plugins.
4. After that, please type Flutter in the search field, as in the image below.
5. Then, please click Search in repositories. As in the image below.
6. Then, select Flutter language and click Install.
7. Then, a notification will appear, please just click it Accept.
8. Then, click Yes.
9. Then, wait a few moments until the process is complete.
10. When finished, please click Restart Android Studio. As shown in the image below.
11. Then, click Restart again.
12. Wait a few moments until the main page appears again.
13. Then, please click Start a new Flutter project. As in the image below.
14. Then, select Flutter Application and click Next.
15. Then, please give the name of the project you want. Project name can only use lowercase and no spaces. Then, also enter the path of your Flutter SDK by clicking three dots icon. And also enter project location, it is recommended that folder names do not use spaces. If everything is filled in, please click Next.
16. Then please specify the application domain for directory naming purposes package on your application. For part Channel language platforms no need to check. Then, click Finish.
17. Done. Your flutter project has been created successfully.
18. The next step is Flutter Doctor settings. Please click menu Tools > Flutter > Flutter Doctor. As shown in the image below.
19. Then, you will see a message appear. In my case, issues obtained are as follows:
Reason issues these are:
Android licenses not accepted…. : means I have to agree to the license (terms & conditions) of Android first.
Flutter extension not installed (VS Code) : means that my flutter is not installed in the VS Code application.
No devices available : No Android phone device connected to my laptop.
NB: If you get different issues, please look for the problem solving on StackOverflow or Google.
20. To overcome issues it, please open the tab Terminal, then go to the folder “son” in Flutter SDK storage directory You. An example of my flutter bin location is C:TIflutterbin. Then ketype android-licenses command as in the example in the image below.
21. Then, type y then Enter to agree to the license. Like the picture below.
22. Just type y until it appears All SDK package licenses accepted. Like the picture below.
23. Then, type the command flutter doctor again to check whether issues fixed or not.
24. If it is checked, then you are ready to start a new project.
So this article discusses how to install Flutter in Android Studio. Hopefully useful and help you. Thank you

The rain lover and coffee connoisseur who likes to sit in daydream while dreaming of his dreams that will come true.
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