Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Monkey King
Monkey King is one of the heroes Dota 2 which is fairly new. As the name implies, it has a concept taken from the character Sun Wukong in the story Journey to the West. This is also reflected in skills that he has in the game.
See from skillshis, Monkey King is a hero that is difficult to predict and very mobile, but also able to produce damage the big one. If given too much space, it can easily ruffle the opponent in team fight with all skills which he has.
- Very mobile and hard to predict
- Long attack distance
- Very dependent on items but have no mechanism farm fast
1. Boundless Strike
The Monkey King extended his wand and slammed it into the ground, producing critical damage as well as stun.

- Distance: 1200
- Wide: 150
- Damage: 150%/175%/200%/225% damage attack
- Duration stun: 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6
- Cooldown: 22 seconds
- Where is the cost: 100
Boundless Strike is a tool for farming, disable, as well as team fight very strong. The distance is quite far and has damage which is quite large. Especially damage it can also be made even bigger thanks to skills passive. The only drawback skills this is cooldownthe old one. This means you have to know when is the best time to use it.
2. Tree Dance
Monkey King can jump up trees. As long as he is in a tree he can jump to another tree. If the tree he is sitting on is cut down, he will be hit stun which is quite long. Skills it cannot be used or is in cooldown if Monkey King is hit by an attack from an opposing hero, the enemy hero’s unit, or Roshan.

- Distance: 1000
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- stun if it falls from a tree: 4 seconds
While at the top of the tree Monkey King also performs a swooping attack to the designated area after doing channeling. This attack resulted in damage and slow depending on duration channeling which he did.

- Max distance: 1000
- Radius: 375
- Duration channeling maximum: 1.6 seconds
- Damage maximum: 140/210/280/350
- Movement speed slow: 20%/40%/60%/80%
- Duration slow: 4 seconds
- Cooldown: 19/17/15/13 seconds
- Where is the cost: 100
Tree Dance and Primal Spring are one skills which makes Monkey King a hero whose movements are difficult to predict. Skills this allows Monkey King to attack from angles that the opponent might not expect and get into the middle team fight.
One thing you have to remember is when doing channeling for Primal Spring, Monkey King will make a sound and your opponent will also hear the sound. This means that the opponent can anticipate and avoid.
3. Jingu Mastery
When attacking the same hero four times, the next four Monkey King attacks will have a bonus damage and lifesteal.

- Number of attacks for activation: 4 attacks
- Charge: 4 attacks
- Bonus damage: 60/90/120/150
- Lifesteal: 15%/30%/45%/60%
- Duration counter (for activation): 10 seconds
- Duration buff: 35 seconds
Jingu is the axis of gameplay Monkey King in almost all phases of the match. Bonus damage given is very large and the effect lifestealit allows Monkey King to survive in team fight longer. Not only that, the Jingu Mastery effect can also synergize with Boundless Strike.
4. Mischief
Monkey King transforms into objects around him. When it changes, it gets immunity very short.

- Movement speed (standard): 200
- Movement speed (as courier): 380
- Find radius (to select emulated object): 350
- Duration immunity: 0.2 second
In fact, Mischief is a tool to outwit your opponent. But you can also take advantage of immunity short given to dodge attacks or skills opponent. Of course, with a time of only 0.2 seconds, you should have done it with timing Perfect.
5. Wukong’s Command
Monkey King created a circular area and spread his clones around the circle. This clone cannot move, but will attack enemy heroes within range. Monkey King will get a bonus armor if you are in the circle. But if he gets out of the loop, skills it will disappear completely.
If using Aghanim’s Scepter, Monkey King will issue a clone every 3.5 seconds.

- Distance cast: 550
- Inner ring radius: 350
- Outer ring radius: 750
- The number of clones in the inner circle: 5
- The number of clones in the outer ring: 9
- Cloning attack interval: 1.2 seconds
- Bonus armor: 12/18/24
- Maximum duration: 13 seconds
- Cooldown: 130/110/90
- Where is the cost: 100
Wukong’s Command is terrible skills. When used in the right position, _skill this forces the opponent to escape from the circle or accept damage from the Monkey King clone. That also didn’t take into account the Monkey King who was also in the circle. Use skills It’s in an ideal position and it’s not that hard considering Money King has a Tree Dance that allows him to be in the middle team fight easily.
Talent Tree
- Level 25 talents: Wukong’s Command has one extra outer ring or +100 armor from Wukong’s Command
- Level 20 talents: +320 Damage Primal Spring or +40% critical Boundless Strike
- Level 15 talents: +80 damage Jingu Mastery or +475 cast distance Tree Dance
- Level 10 talents: +15 attack speed or +325 vision Tree Dance

Demi early game which is easier, Monkey King needs to maximize Jingu Mastert first. This will give you a significant advantage in lane because every harass what you do will threaten the active Jingu Mastery. Once the passive effect is active, you will be far ahead of you lane because it has damage Very large.
For having taken Jingu Mastery, skills The second thing you should focus on is Boundless Strike. Both have synergies that help generate damage as well as lifesteal the greater one.
When you should take the Tree Dance depends on when you need it. Usually you need to take one point skills this is a bit early if you need a way to move quickly or you want to be active and participate in team fight/gank. If not, you can take it later.
You can take Wukong’s Command at level six. But if you feel you won’t be involved in team fight and/or feel you are not strong enough, you can take ultimate this later.

Because you want to win lane by making use of Jingu Mastery, you want to have items that helps you for that. There are two options items for this, namely Orb of Venom and Wraith Band. You can take both or even use two Wraith Bands, but make sure this doesn’t delay timing items your main.
The shoes for Monkey King are Phase Boots. Apart from giving armor what he really needs items it gives you damage additions that synergize with Jingu Mastery and Boundless Strike.
Items The first most suitable for Monkey King is the Echo Saber. The effect makes you activate Jingu Mastery faster. After that you will really need the Black King Bar because in almost all team fight You will be in the middle of a crowd of opponents and activate Wukong’s Command. That’s why you need a way to survive especially from disable opponent.
After two items In this case, the choice of Monkey King depends on the situation and the needs of the game. Monkey King Bar, Desolator and Butterfly give you damage addition. You can use Nullifier, Diffusal Blade, Abyssal Blade, or Eye of Skadi to hold off your opponent, or Aghanim’s Scepter for one. luxury items final.
Because it has almost no mechanism comeback and flash farm, Monkey King must have laning phase the good one. You can achieve this with good Jingu Mastery management, but sometimes you’ll still need help unless you’re in mid.
Especially when facing a hero melee, make sure you do harass and threaten the opponent with Jingu Mastery. If you see an opportunity or even activate Jingu Mastery, you can repel or even kill your opponent with the Jingu Mastery plus Boundless Strike effect. If carrying the Orb of Venom or disable from teammates, effort kill in the beginning it will be easier.
After laning phase, you may want to search kill make use of Tree Dance and Wukong’s Command. Although this will help accelerate farm, you have to make sure every rotation you do can end up being successful or not. Also make sure you don’t have to spend a lot of time moving around without doing farm.
Remember, Monkey King is a hero who desperately needs items and can’t do farm quickly. This means that one failed rotation can make this hero very left behind, especially if he has to waste time changing places or waiting with Tree Dance. Therefore, it’s best to stay in lane and forest except the target kill It is in lane you yourself.
After getting items First, you can start moving more actively. But you must still be able to make time for farm and gank. In addition, make sure you can coordinate with your teammates so that your rotation is in sync with the team’s movements. Again, you want the time you spent doing rotations to pay off. If it works, you can snowball and very hard to contain. Otherwise, you will be left behind and your opponent can overcome you without any major problems.
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