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Have the Most "Killing" Skill, Tips and Tricks to Play Raze in Valorant

If Jett and Phoenix married and then had a child, Raze could be said to be someone who most felt inherited the role of the abilities of these 2 agents in Valorant.

Where the skill of using gadgets he has is really much more destructive than Phoenix. While at the same time, he is also equipped with an interesting mobility side to be able to move quickly to jump high like Jett. Yes, Raze is basically a character that is very dedicated to finding kills. Especially when he meets enemy teams who like to flock, this can be a very delicious meal for him.

Although this agent character looks easy and OP to use, there are times when you can be rash in playing it. And once you’re reckless, Raze himself can be fatal enough to burden your teammates’ struggles.

Through that, we also want to give you a number of tips and tricks on how you can make the most of Raze in every match.

Boom Bot (200 Credits)

Raze can send a small robot to walk and scan for nearby enemies. If he finds an enemy within range, this robot will immediately pursue and detonate itself when approaching the target.

Basic Tips and Tricks:

  • Produces 125 explosive damage when it hits the enemy maximally. Classified enough to kill enemies who only use Light Armor.
  • Although it can be used to kill, Boom Bot is more important to use to find intel on the enemy’s whereabouts. For example, when you know the direction of the shot where the boom bot you installed is destroyed.
  • When used, the Boom Bot produces a very loud sound that can be heard by the enemy. So that it is not redundant, it is better if the Boom Bot skill is used in more crucial situations. Like when you want to divert attention, do push in a narrow area, until you are in a situation to protect the bomb or defuse it. Including removing it towards the enemy smoke.
  • Boom Bot can only move in a straight line. So you can only change the direction of the Boom Bot’s path by making it hit the wall.

Blast Pack (200 Credits)

The mechanism of use is more or less similar to C4. Raze can set a small bomb and detonate it manually by pressing the skill button again. Enemies hit by the explosion will receive and make them bounce slightly.

Basic Tips and Tricks:

  • Has 75 damage and a little damage when it hits a friend.
  • Instead of being used for enemies, Raze himself actually gets more benefits when exposed to this skill. It won’t do any damage to him at all, you can take advantage of the Blast Pack explosion to bounce yourself up to jump far up.
  • You can maximize the mentality of this Blast Pack by jumping first before detonating it. Because it has two stacks, you can immediately use it at once to be able to bounce further.
  • If you want to move far efficiently, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of throwing a Blast Pack by placing it right under you, walking past it for a while, then detonating it.
  • without pressing “w”, you can also bounce back when it explodes in front of you. More or less the same way also applies to the side directions (left or right). The key to knowing the direction of the bounce is in the “position”.
  • By bouncing yourself, you can run away when surrounded to chase enemies that you really need to kill.

Paint Shells (Skill signature, free filled every 2 kills)

More or less a grenade but not just any grenade. Because once it exploded, it was ready to give another explosion from a collection of small grenades scattered within its radius.

Basic Tips and Tricks:

  • Has considerable damage when hit by an enemy (plus you and your teammates). In total, 90 when hit by scatters from his small grenades. Also has a radius that cannot be underestimated at all.
  • Besides being able to be used to kill, strategically it can also be used to hold enemies who want to push, push back against enemy teams in one-way areas, to keep their distance from them (zoning).
  • Can use right click if you want to throw it in close range (maximum 10 meters).
  • The throwing mechanism can be made to bounce, but will still explode in 3 seconds. While the small grenades just started to explode after hitting the floor.

Show Stopper (Ultimate Skill with 7 orbs requirement)

Raze Show Stopper

This is Raze’s ultimate skill which is very deadly. Because he will immediately issue a kind of bazooka and ready to shoot at the intended target.

Basic Tips and Tricks:

  • Has damage around 20-200 (depending on the distance the blast radius is very wide). Anyone who was hit at a distance that felt closer, was guaranteed to die.
  • When you first activate it, you have about 10 seconds to immediately fire the bazooka. If the time is up, this skill has basically been wasted.
  • Within 10 seconds when this skill starts to activate, you can temporarily switch modes to basic weapons or use other Raze skills without worrying that the skill will be canceled before you want to fire it at the right moment.
  • Through the voice that raze found (Here Comes The Party), all enemies to your friends will surely realize that you have started activating this skill. From there, you can fish and approach them by temporarily switching to regular weapon mode.
  • Just like Paint Shells and Blast Pack, you can kill yourself and your own teammates when using this skill (friendly fire).
  • Can be strategically used for zoning, pushing. But it would be nice if you use Show Stopper to at least be able to guarantee 1 kill.

Because Raze is an agent with an aggressive playing style in Valorant, a number of his skills can indeed be synergized with each other. Especially through the existence of the Blast Pack skill as the most essential thing in supporting Raze’s mobility in battle.

Some additional skill combinations and tips that you should pay attention to are as follows:

  • When after or before activating the show stopper (ultimate Raze skill), you can use the blast pack to move or jump quickly to a point area that you want to shoot with Show Stopper. This is the most favorite combo by many players. Because it can give you a lot of meaningful satisfaction when you manage to let go of “that” attraction.
  • With the Blast Pack, you can make the Boom Bot jump over certain platforms at the right timing of the explosion.
  • The Blast Pack can automatically trigger an explosion from a Paint Shell grenade
  • In the eyes of most experienced or high-level (Esports) players, Raze is a Valorant agent character who is considered mediocre.
  • The reason is that despite having a very killing skill, all of its applications are very easy to predict and anticipate. So that Raze users are actually quite required not to act rashly and continue to do the same strategy in throwing skills in particular.

Those are the tips and tricks that we can share about Raze in Valorant. Look forward to tips and tricks from other Valorant agents on the next opportunity.

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