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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Magnus

Magnus is a hero strength who often acts as ganker, initiator, as well as utility. He has a lot crowd control who can break and win teamfight easily. Not only that, he also has a way to earn damage to more than one enemy, whether through burst damage or buff.

In the past, Magnus was more often played in the position of mid. But since patches 7.00, now Magnus is also often played in position offlane. Whichever it is, as a hero focused on teamfight and initiation, he has build and how to play more or less the same.


  • Have the ability teamfight and very good initiation. Reverse Polarity or Skewer that hits many heroes can easily win teamfight.
  • Have build which is quite flexible, can be right-clicker or full utility.
  • Able to increase potential carry in late game thanks to Empower


  • Where’s the pool quite limited
  • Its contribution is quite dependent on Reverse Polarity. If you miss, the function of this hero will be greatly reduced.

1. Shockwave

Magnus emitted a wave of energy in a straight line, producing a damage to the opponent who hits it.

Aghanim Scepter will make Shockwave move faster which automatically increases its maximum distance. Besides, Shockwave will also have an effect slow and will return to Magnus and produce half damage to the hit opponent

  • Range: 1150 (1725 if using Aghanim)
  • Radius damage: 150
  • Damage: 90/150/225/300
  • Movement speed slow: 60% (if using Aghanim)
  • Duration slow: 2 seconds (if using Aghanim)
  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 90

Although basic, skills this is quite important for Magnus as it is a tool to do last hits at the start of the game, as well as burst damage in teamfight.

2. Empower

Magnus gives buff in the form of a bonus damage attacks on teammates. Hero melee who receives buff will also generate cleave damage, while hero ranged or remote will only receive a bonus damage just.

  • Range: 800
  • Radius cleave at the closest distance: 150
  • Distance cleave: 625
  • Radius cleave at the farthest distance: 330
  • Cleave damage: 20%/30%/40%/50% of damage main attack
  • Bonus damage: 20%/30%/40%/50%
  • Duration: 40 seconds
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 30/50/70/90

Empower is skills which is also useful throughout the game. At the start of the game, even if it’s not much, a bonus damage what you get you can use to get last hits.

In late game, Empower is skills which gives your team an edge on paper. Because in phase late game hero carry usually have damage already big thanks items and levels. Plus empower, carry your team will certainly become more terrible, especially heroes melee or close range.

Also read: Dota 2 Guide: Difference between Damage from Stats/Attributes and Raw Damage

3. Skewer

Magnus butted forward. The enemy hero that is rammed will be dragged to the point where Magnus stops. After that the dragged opponent will receive damage and slow.

  • Skewer Distance: 887/982/1077/1172
  • Skewer Radius: 135
  • Damage: 70/140/210/280
  • Movement speed slow: 25%/30%35%/40%
  • Slow attack speed: 25/30/35/40
  • Duration slow: 3.25
  • Cooldown: 25 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 80

Same as skills In addition, Skewer also has several functions. His ability to forcibly change the opponent’s position is certainly very optimal in teamfight. Usually skills it becomes follow-up after you use Reverse Polarity. However if Reverse Polarity is in cooldown, Skewer can also be a tool for initiation, because if you manage to drag your opponent to your team’s position, the hero can be killed easily.

Not only that, Skewer can also be skills to escape because you can go over the cliff. In addition, Skewer can also help you to close the distance, either so you can Blink into the middle of your opponent or directly use Reverse Polarity.

4. Reverse Polarity

Magnus hit the ground, sucking the surrounding enemies to one point, giving damage and also stun.

  • Radius: 410
  • Damage: 50/125/200
  • Duration stun to heroes: 2.75/3.25/3.75
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 200/250/300

Reverse Polarity, or RP for short, is skills which can easily make your team win teamfight. All opponents hit by RP will be gathered at one point and cannot move at all. This provides an opportunity for your teammates to land skills which is area of ​​effect (AOE) easily. Not to mention if Magnus did follow-up with Skewer and dragging all his opponents to a disadvantage.

There are many skills AoE who will greatly benefit from RP. Magnus himself also has Shockwave. Not only that, melee carry Who has cleave damage thanks to Empower will also earn a lot damage because each attack will hit many enemy heroes.

One successful Reverse Polarity, hitting two or more opposing heroes, will make your team very superior in teamfight. The only thing you should hope for is that your team has follow-up right.

Also read: Dota 2 Guide: Know the Types and Differences of Disable, Part I (Stun, Sleep, Cyclone, Root, Banish)

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: +1 second stun Reverse Polarity or +20% cleave/damage Empower
  • Level 20: +500 skewer distance or +12 armor
  • Level 15: +75 damage Shockwave or +15 strength
  • Level 10: +200HP or +25 attack speed
dota 2 magnus skill build guide

In all situations, always maximize Shockwave first. Skills it fulfills all your needs at the start of the game. When in lane, Shockwave will help you to do last hits. Then when you do teamfight or gank, damage from skills will be much more effective than damage normal attack.

In between, take a level of Empower and Skewer. Even though it’s not much, one level of Empower will make your effort to do last hits a little easier. While Skewer will also be useful for follow-up after RP or simply dragging the opponent into a bad position.

After maximizing Shockwave, maximize Empower. Entering level 11 and 12, carry your team can start earning damage which is quite large because it has at least one items. So there’s no harm in increasing the potency damage your team by maximizing Empower. On the other hand, Skewer himself has more than enough distance at level one.

For RP, take the standard level, which is level six, 12, and 18.

Item Build Magnus

dota 2 magnus item build hero guide

Good as offlaner or mid, items the beginning of Magnus is more or less the same, namely HP regeneration and a little stats like Ironwood Branch. If you play in mid, you may need to save a little bit so you can buy bottles quickly. But if you play as offlaner, it might be a good idea to buy a Stout Shield or a piece of Iron Talon, just in case you have a little trouble at lane and have to enter often farming in the forest.

Shoes for Magnus are generally Arcane Boots. Addition where is the pool as well as the ability to fill where would really help Magnus who did have one where is the pool small. Another alternative is Power Treads, but only if you are going to do it often right click and/or you have another way to regenerate where, for example from Crystal Maiden’s Arcane Aura.

After Blink Dagger, items Your next choice depends on the situation. If you were frequently targeted before teamfight started, you may need items additional mobility to enter from great distances and be safer. The options for this are Force Staff or Blink Dagger.

The rest, you can take utility items. Black King Bar or Linken’s Sphere can be an option to prevent the opponent from canceling Blink Dagger with skills remotely. If you want to have damage output In addition, you can buy an Echo Saber which is quite cheap, or Orchid Malevolance becomes a Bloodthorn if there is an opponent to give. silence in the middle teamfight.

Finally, if you want to use RP more than once, buy a Refresher Orb.

Gameplay Magnus

dota 2 magnus gameplay guide 1

Magnus is laner which is okay, but also not awesome. Thanks to Shockwave and damage addition of Empower, you should be able to get last hits comfortably. But at the same time, unless you face a few heroes, you can’t dominate lane alone.

The only way you can do kill is if your opponent is in the wrong position and can be dragged to toweryou with Skewer. But other than that, without gank or help from support, you may not be able to kill anyone at the start of the game.

Make sure you manage your resources well. If you play as mid, make sure you can control the runes well so you never run out where. If you play as offlaner, make the best use of Shrine. In addition, recognize the situation in lane and retreat to the forest once in a while if you really can’t do anything about it.

Entering level six and seven, always carry TP. Look for opportunities to use RP and win teamfight for your team. That way you can get Blink Dagger faster. After that, do it again farming until you get Blink Dagger.

dota 2 magnus gameplay 2 hero guide

Once you get Blink Dagger, try to be more active. Always look for opportunities to do gank and teamfight, especially if you have RP. Make sure you are in a safe position and have vision clear to see the opportunity to get the ideal RP.

In this phase, don’t be too greedy with RP. If you really have to use it to secure kill, use it even if only for one or two heroes.

Unless you are unsure of the enemy’s existence, always look for opportunities to do so teamfight. Even though you don’t have RP, you can still initiate by dragging your opponent to your team’s position using Blink and Skewer.

In this phase, don’t forget to give Empower to carry your team so that it produces damage the greater one. Combined with RP, cleave damage from Empower can be an additional synergy.

dota 2 magnus gameplay 3 hero guide

Enter late game, your initiation with Blink plus RP will determine the outcome teamfight and also games. Look for an unexpected safe position so that your opponent can’t arbitrarily cancel your Blink Dagger. Depending on who you’re dealing with, this may require you to be a bit more distant.

Be patient when you want to use RP. Make sure you can hit multiple targets at once, and your team is ready to do it follow up. Otherwise, your RP will be useless.

Lastly, don’t forget to always give Empower to your teammates or even yourself.

Like a hero with team fight skills Another big thing, Magnus is a hero who can easily win teamfight even if your team is falling behind. One optimal RP or Blink Skewer is even enough to lead your team to victory.

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