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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Puck

Puck is a hero intelligence who has a lot crowd control and burst damage. Thanks to that he often acts as the initiator controlling the tempo team fight and kills opponents with ease. Not only that, he’s also hard to catch because he has a lot escape mechanism.

Since the first this hero has often acted as a mid. But he is also not infrequently played as a offlaner. But whatever his position, his role in the game is always the same.


  • Very mobile and hard to catch
  • Have a lot crowd control and burst damage


  • Very squishy
  • Have turn rate the bad one

1. Illusory Orb

Puck emits a ball of energy that travels straight ahead, producing a damage to enemies who pass by. Puck can move to the Illusory Orb’s location whenever he wants.

  • Distance cast: 3000
  • Travel distance: 1950
  • Radius damage: 225
  • Damage: 70/140/210/280
  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 80/100/120/140

The Illusory Orb is one of the sources burst damage as well as Puck’s mobility. Damage produced is quite large. But what makes skills This is very strong is the effect of moving places given. With this effect you can quickly approach or chase to finish off your opponent.

You can also use Illusory Orb to escape from the pursuit of your opponent. You can even do 50/50 mind games when doing this. Since opponents tend to chase the Illusory Orb when you want to run away, you can outwit them by not moving and then fleeing in another direction.

2. Waning Rift

Puck moves to the point he is aiming for and spouts faerie dust to the surrounding area, generating damage as well as silence to opponents in the area.

  • Max distance: 275
  • Effect Radius: 400
  • Damage: 70/140/210/280
  • Duration silence: 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 100/110/120/130

Waning Rift is the source burst damage second as well as one tool crowd control Puck’s. The area of ​​effect is not very wide and you have to position yourself in the middle of the enemy in order to use it effectively. But thanks to the Illusory Orb, you should be able to do that easily.

3. Phase Shift

Puck disappears from the game for a while and cannot be targeted by opponents at all.

  • Maximum duration: 0.75/1.5/2.25/3.25 seconds
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds

Phase Shift is one of the reasons why Puck is so hard to catch. As long as you’re in Phase Shift, you can’t swallow at all damage or targeted by the opponent. Phase Shift also has an effect disjoint or dodge projectiles aimed at you.

Not only that, you can also exit Phase Shift before its full duration. That way you make your opponent have to guess when you come out.

4. Dream Coil

Puck puts the energy ball at one point. Once placed, this ball will hook the opponent’s hero around it, resulting in a damage as well as mini-stun. If the associated enemy hero moves too far from the Dream Coil area, the link will break, and the opposing hero will receive damage additional as well stun.

If you use Aghanim’s Scepter, the Dream Coil will have a longer duration. The opponent who unlinks the Dream Coil will also receive damage bigger, and stun which is longer and can penetrate spell immunity (BKB).

  • Distance cast: 750
  • Effect area: 375
  • Damage beginning: 100/150/200
  • Duration stun beginning: 0.5 second
  • Distance for the opponent to be tied to the Coil: 375
  • Maximum distance to disconnect Coil: 600
  • Damage when Coil is disconnected: 300/400/500 (400/550/700 with Aghanim)
  • Duration stun when Coil is disconnected: 1.8/2.4/3 seconds (1.8/3.4/4.5 seconds with Aghanim)
  • Dream Coil Duration: 6 seconds (8 seconds with Aghanim)
  • Cooldown: 70/65/60 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 100/150/200

Dream Coil is crowd control skills very strong. Damage and stun the output is actually quite strong.

But what makes it so strong is link created to the opponent’s hero. If it moves too far, the opponent will receive damage additional and exposed stun once again. This will automatically limit the opponent’s movement because they are forced not to move too far. But in that position they will be vulnerable to getting hit skills AoE from your team.

Also read: Defense Mechanisms of Opponent Skills and the Interaction of Each Skill in the Game

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: Dream Coil unleashes an attack on a bound opponent or +300 range and AoE Waning Rift
  • Level 20: +50% Illusory Orb’s distance and speed or -7 seconds cooldown Waning Rift
  • Level 15: Phase Shift unleashes an attack or +12% spell amplification
  • Level 10: +150 distance cast or +25 damage

Illusory Orb is skills which you have to pick up at level one, and max it out at level seven. Of all skills The AoE you have, the Illusory Orb is skills which has the largest effective area. This automatically makes it easier to aim to hit as many opponents as possible.

While maximizing the Illusory Orb, take one level of Phase Shift and Waning Rift each. The purpose of taking one Phase Shift level is to get the effect disjoint. That way you can avoid damage detrimental or disable projectile. This will at least help you to survive in lane and get trade more profitable.

Meanwhile one Waning Rift level is taken to obtain the given Silence effect. Silence granted skills it’s not much at level one. However 2 seconds should be more than enough to render the opponent unable to do anything before being killed.

After maxing out the Illusory Orb, max out the Waning Rift. The goal is clear to add burst damage what you can earn and the duration silence which means crowd control the stronger one.

Maximize the last Phase Shift as a tool to survive in the rain damage or enemy siege. Then don’t forget to take the Dream Coil and Talent once you can pick it up.


If you play as mid, pick up the Null Talisman and some Ironwood Branches. Both will increase damage that will help you win lane. For regeneration, you can request Tango from your teammates or send items regenerate after taking the Bounty Rune.

If you play as offlane, take items regeneration and some stat items that you can get. When playing in this position you will not be able to win lane and it’s better to focus on surviving as long as possible in lane.

Puck has two shoe choices, namely Power Treads which provide additional stats or Arcane Boots providing availability where. But Puck alone is enough mobile and don’t rely so much damage physical. That’s why he actually just needs ordinary shoes and focus on getting items main first. Only later will he buy Boots of Travel as a upgrade.

Puck has some items important thing that makes it so powerful. One of the most obvious is Blink Dagger. Given mobility items this will make it very easy for you to initiate. Blinking and using Dream Coil and/or Waning Rift against a gathering opponent will give you a significant advantage in team fight. From there your team can do follow up to an opponent whose movement is currently very limited.


One more items the popular one for this hero is Veil of Discord. Remember, Puck is a hero who is very focused on magic damage, and items this clearly synergizes with all spell which he has.

Also read: Know the Types of Damage and the Differences (Physical, Magic, and Pure)

Your choice after that depends on the match situation as well as lineup. Eul’s Scepter of Divinity is one of the items which is quite popular. Apart from giving movement speed as well as intelligence addition, Cyclone from items this will make you almost impossible to catch. If you can play timing Illusory Orb, Eul’s, Blink Dagger, and Phase Shift, you can escape untouched even if you are surrounded by five people.

Linken’s Sphere is items defend the blocking disable from the opponent. This will prevent your opponent from catching you and killing you. Remember, Puck is a very hero squishy and can die quickly once caught.

Dagon too items which is very strong to finish off the opponent quickly. Aghanim’s Scepter makes you have crowd control stronger and more secure. While the Scythe of Vyse gives you another one disable very strong.


Thanks to the Illusory Orb, Puck has the ability laning very strong. This allowed him to get last hits and manipulate lane equilibrium easily.

Maximize usage skills this. While taking last hits, direct the Illusory Orb to hit the opponent’s hero. This will give you an edge in trading hits as well as give pressure to the opponent.

If you can manage usage skills you well, you should be able to win lane against most of the heroes. It means excelling in trading, can manipulate creep equilibrium, as well as take Runes freely.

Once you hit level six, look for opportunities to get kill. At this stage, don’t be too stingy about removing the Dream Coil. If it is necessary to secure a kill important, use Dream Coil even if only for one opponent hero.

In doing gank or team fight in the initial phase, your task is to produce damage and control the movement of the opponent. You have a lot burst damage and crowd control, so you just need to use it effectively.


Once you get Blink Dagger, your task of initiating becomes easier. Blink with Waning Rift and or Dream Coil will guarantee your opponent is trapped in one small area. Take advantage of these conditions by doing follow up before the opponent can react.

The key to playing with Puck is being able to search gank and/or team fight ideal and controls the tempo of the game. Get kill If possible. If not, use skills what you have to do farm. That way you should get gold and enough levels to continue to be a serious threat in the game.

Remember, pay attention timing and cooldown all skills that you have. Indeed, Puck is a very difficult hero to catch. But that is if he always has skills stand ready to use. So, manage cooldown Blink, Phase Shift, and your Illusory Orb well. Not only that, also pay attention to the direction of firing the Illusory Orb and where you are facing when using Phase Shift. Remember, once captured, Puck is a very easy hero to kill.

Your game will be a little more difficult if your opponent uses BKB or magic damage what you produce becomes less effective. Actually as long as you have items this will not be a big problem because you just have to wait and pay close attention to your position. After that just use skills that you have if team fight can still be won.

Overall, Puck is a difficult hero to use because it requires perfect decision making and positioning. You can be a slippery and scary hero. But if you can’t manage resources and skills yours well, you will only become fodder for the enemy.

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