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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Enigma

Enigma is a hero intelligence long range that has two potentials that are rarely in one package. First, he is one of the laner and pusher which is quite strong due to its ability to create its own units for push. Second, he is one of the heroes team fight with one crowd control spells most feared.

Although quite strong, this hero is quite difficult to use, especially in terms of team fight. That’s why this article will help you learn how to use this hero.


  • Team fight very strong
  • Can do push well
  • Laner and jungler quite efficient



Enigma makes one opponent accept stun and damage every two seconds.

  • Distance cast: 600
  • Amount stun/damage: 3 times
  • interval stun/damage: Every 2 seconds
  • Damage: 40/60/80/100 per tick
  • Duration stun: 0.4/0.6/0.8/1 second per tick
  • Malefice Duration: 4 seconds
  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 100/120/140/160

Malefice is disable which is pretty standard and to be honest nothing special. You can use spell this is to catch an opponent who escapes or initiates. But because stun given gradually, Malefice is usually almost useless in late game face opponents with BKB.

Demonic Conversion

Enigma changed one creeps become Eidolons. These Eidolons can attack and if they have attacked several times they will multiply. When doubled, the Eidolon’s HP will be full again.

  • Distance cast: 700
  • Eidolon HP: 180/200/220/240
  • Damage Eidolons: 16-24/24-32/34-42/43/51
  • Armor Eidolons: 2/3/4/5
  • Number of Eidolons: 3
  • Number of attacks to double: 6 times
  • Duration: 35 seconds
  • Cooldown: 35 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 140/150/160/170

Demonic Conversion is spell which gives Enigma power push, farming, as well as laning the strong one. Use spell to one creeps automatically kills creeps the. Then the Eidolon that is formed you can use to do harass or farm.

Damage Eidolon produced is not small, making Enigma known to be very efficient in jungling. Not only that, Eidolon can also help in push.

But that doesn’t mean Demonic Conversion can only be used if you play as a jungler. Demonic Conversion can also be used to creeps alone. If you kill creeps alone outside the opponent’s XP area, means that the opponent loses XP for one creeps.

There are a few things you should remember about Demonic Conversion. First, some creeps large in the forest cannot be killed with Demonic Conversion. Second, the duration of Eidolons will not return to the beginning when they are doubled.

Midnight Pulse

Enigma makes certain areas shrouded in darkness. Opponents in the area will receive damage based on the maximum amount of HP.

  • Distance cast: 700
  • Radius: 550
  • Damage: 4.75%/5.5%/6.25%/7% of the opponent’s max HP
  • Duration: 9/10/11/12 seconds
  • Cooldown: 50/45/40/35 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 50/80/110/140

Midnight Pulse is spell with potential scaling which is very high because damage produced is a percent. This means that the bigger the opponent’s HP, the bigger it is damage resulting from.

The only drawback spell this is an immovable area. This means that you have to keep your opponent in the Midnight Pulse area to earn damage.

Midnight Pulse can also destroy trees, effectively dealing with opponents hiding in trees such as Treant Protector, Monkey King, or any hero who is doing this. split push in lane side.

Black Hole

Enigma created a black hole right in front of it. Opponents in the vicinity of this hole cannot move, attack, or use spell.

  • Distance cast: 275
  • Duration channeling maximum: 4 seconds
  • Effect Radius: 420
  • Damage: 100/150/200 per second
  • Cooldown: 200/180/160 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 300/400/500

Black Hole is one of the main reasons why you use Enigma. Whoever the opponent caught in the Black Hole did absolutely nothing and could only take an attack or hope for someone to save. The duration is also long enough to make a perfect Black Hole easily win team fight for your team.

Although very strong, spell it’s not easy to use. First, spell this is channeling which means it can be interrupted with disable as stun or silence. Moreover, to use the Black Hole Enigma itself it must be right in the middle team fight.

Capturing an important opponent or in large numbers is already difficult, let alone being able to use a Black Hole for the full duration.

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: +5 Eidolons from Demonic Conversion or +4 tick Malefice
  • Level 20: +50 damage Eidolon_ or +400 HP
  • Level 15: +0.35 duration stun Malefice or 12% cooldown reduction
  • Level 10: +4 seconds Midnight Pulse duration or +135 HP Eidolon

Always focus on maximizing Demonic Conversion. Whether it’s as laner or jungler, Demonic Conversion is spell that makes you excel in early game.

As laner, you can use Demonic Conversion to creeps your team’s distance before meeting creeps opponent. That way the opponent loses one of the XP resources and gold biggest in phase laning. Not only that, you can also use Eidolon to do harass or make it easier last hits. Two for one.

As jungler, Demonic Conversion is the best acceleration tool. One Demonic Conversion instantly kills one creeps. After that Eidolon will protect you and produce damage. Then when multiplied this process will also become easier.


While maximizing Demonic Conversion, take some Malefice points or maximize them altogether. Throughout early game barrage stun from Malefice allows for easier initiation. Besides that because spell it’s almost useless in late game, better take advantage of spell this at the beginning.

Midnight Pulse is usually taken last as it will always come in handy even in late game. But in certain situations, for example, you need damage addition or tree destroyer, you can take one Midnight Pulse point.


Because you will often use Demonic Conversion in early game, you need quite a lot where is regen. Mango or Clarity you must bring along with regen Normal HP like Tango. After getting farm enough, you can cover the need where with Soul Rings.

Shoes that fit Enigma all the way early to mid game is the usual Boots of Speed. Generally, Soul Rings are more than enough to meet the needs where Enigma. That’s why it’s a good idea to save gold what you have for items others are more important.

Items what Enigma almost always buys is the Blink Dagger. With the ability of Blink Dagger, Enigma can land a good Black Home much more easily. You no longer have to walk to the middle team fight and watch the opponent move away to avoid the Black Hole.


Although important, Blink Dagger isn’t always going to be items first Enigma. Because it is a hero with abilities farm which is fast enough, Enigma can get one items first before getting Blink Dagger.

Items One of the first things that Enigma often buys is Helm of The Dominator. With aura attack speed given, Helm of The Dominator makes farm with Eidolon so much faster. Bonus regen The HP provided is also useful for being able to survive in the lane and cover the effects of the Soul Ring. Besides the Dominate effect of items it’s also versatile. You can steal siege creep opponent when you want to do push, or take creeps forest that can be useful for the team.


Alternatively, Enigma can also purchase Mekansm. Items this also makes Enigma even more tanky and can make a deeper contribution team fight. If you just want sustain from magic damage, Hood to Pipe can also be another alternative.

BKB is also one of the items mandatory for Enigma. Its function is clear to ensure that you can use the Black Hole without being interrupted by stun or silence. Linken’s Sphere can be an alternative if you face spell which is target point and penetrated BKB like Primal Roar.

After getting some items important, you can get some luxury. The Refresher Orb is one of the most popular because it allows you to use two Black Holes in a row. _Item which provide AoE such as Radiance and Shiva’s Guard are also quite popular. Do not forget upgrade your shoes become Boots of Travel or Guardian Greaves as needed.


Enigma is a pretty strong hero in early game thanks to Demonic Conversion. In lane, use spell this is to kill creeps alone so that the opponent does not get XP and gold. In the forest, use ke creeps forest and use Eidolon to help finish off the rest creeps which exists.

But apart from manipulation lane and farming efficient, you are a hero who is quite fragile and does not have escape mechanism. Therefore always be careful in positioning. Don’t play aggressively unless a teammate does gank. Just do harass and pressure necessary.

do not be too greedy with Black Hole in early game. If you can use it to catch one important hero, stick with it even if it’s only going to catch one person. As long as you can guarantee kill, use Black Hole to one or two fixed heroes worth.


Enigma is not a useless hero without Black Hole and Blink Dagger. With potential farm high, you should get items more in mid game. So don’t be too afraid to be in the middle team fight even without the Black Hole.

Coming in the middle team fight and threatening the Black Hole can also affect the opponent’s position-taking potential in team fight. But again, don’t be careless because your team still needs Black Hole or aura from _item that you have.

Enter late game, the Black Hole becomes more important and influential. So pay attention to your position and don’t die in vain. Then most importantly, make sure you get the best Black Hole. You don’t have to catch everyone, but at least catch the important opponent heroes.

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