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Don't Be Annoyed, Here Are 5 Reasons Why Mobile Legends Need Buffs And Nerfs

You know what buffs and nerfs are, right?

If not, here’s a short definition and buff and nerf.

Buff is the addition of the ability or power of a hero.

While nerf is the opposite, namely reducing the ability or damage of a hero.

Buffs and nerfs usually appear in a game update.

Well, one game that often applies buffs and nerfs is Mobile Legends.

There are many pros and cons regarding these buffs and nerfs. Especially nerfs.

Many “innocent” players think that nerfs make Mobile Legends games no longer fun.

Especially if the one who gets nerfed is the hero.

But for some players who know why Moonton does nerfs and buffs, of course they will understand and even feel that these nerfs and buffs are useful.

Well, for those of you who don’t know what the nerf and buff functions are in Mobile Legends, this time Androbuntu will give you an explanation…

Yes, you…

5 Buff and Nerf Functions in Mobile Legends that You Rarely Realize

1. So that the Mobile Legends game is not monotonous

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Can you imagine if the strength and ability of all the heroes in Mobile Legends is like that?

The strong are still strong.

The weak are still weak.

The game will definitely be monotonous and boring.

If this is the case, then the worst possibility is that the players will get bored, and the number of players will continue to decrease from time to time because they feel that Mobile Legends is no longer fun.

Well, this is one of the functions of nerf and buff.

That is to make the game not monotonous.

Also read: 5 Tips So You Don’t Get Wiped Out In Mobile Legends

2. Raising the “Grade” of Less Popular and Rarely Used Heroes

As I said above, the meaning of a buff is to increase the ability, damage or power of a hero.

Buffs will be very useful for elevating less popular and rarely used heroes.

As we all know that one of the reasons why a hero is rarely used and unpopular is because of its small ability and damage.

Well, this is where the function of the buff.

By increasing his abilities and damage, the hero will be used by players more often.

That way the hero used by Androbuntu friends is not only that.

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3. To Make the Game More Exciting

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This third point is still related to points one and two.

When the hero is hit by buffs and nerfs, the game becomes more exciting.

How could that be?

So, here it is.

Suppose there is one hero who previously had less damage, after getting a buff, he will become stronger.

Well, during the game, many opposing players were surprised by the hero’s ability.

That way, the opponent must make more efforts to kill the hero.

So, the game becomes more exciting, right?

Also read: 5 Best Marksman Heroes in Mobile Legends

4. So that the game becomes more varied

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The fourth reason why Mobile Legends must regularly get buffs and nerfs is so that the players are more varied in playing.

Imagine if there were no nerfs and buffs.

Then the players can be sure will only master one or two heroes.

With nerfs and buffs, Mobile Legends players are more challenged to master other heroes.

That way the game will be more varied.

Both from the use of heroes and the strategies used by the players.

Also read: 5 Best Items for Extravagant Heroes in Mobile Legends

5. In order for META to be more developed

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META or Most Effective Tactic Available is the easiest way to win matches in games, especially MOBAs.

Well, because Mobile Legends is also a MOBA game, then you must know the META of this game.

With nerfs and buffs, it will make META more developed.

So don’t always hate it if your favorite hero gets nerfed.

Also read: 5 Ridiculous Mistakes When Using Marksman in Mobile Legends


Well, those were the 5 reasons why Mobile Legends games should get buffs and nerfs regularly.

The point is that Mobile Legends doesn’t become a boring game.

So, if any of your heroes are hit by a nerf, don’t fight right away.

Because nerfs aren’t always bad.

Therefore, you must be able to use more than one hero, don’t depend on just one hero.

So if your favorite hero gets nerfed, you can use another hero.

Who knows the other hero even got a buff, lucky right?

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