7 Tips for Playing Free Fire for Beginners to Booyah
Tips and easy ways to play free fire for beginners
mrfdn – Playing free fire is not difficult. You just need to understand a few things. If you’ve played PUBG Mobile before, you must be familiar with playing free fire. You just need to get used to some of the cool features of this game.
But for those who are still beginners, in order to quickly get booyah, it never hurts to follow these tips. Who knows it might be useful for you.

But before that for those who don’t know what free fire game is. Free fire is one of the survival genre games, now if you open it on the android playstore, the free fire game is the number one most downloaded by people.
Maybe because I’m tired of playing pubg mobile this time.. Hehehe..
Well, back to the main discussion, the tips for playing free fire for beginners are as follows::
1. View the direction of the plane

Open maps, tap on the top left corner. Then see which direction the plane moves from, from top to bottom, or from left to right, or vice versa.
This is important to determine where you will jump / dive.
You can mark the landing point by pressing the location you want to go.
2. Plunge at the end of the island
People usually jump at the start of the game. You do the opposite.
Try to jump at the very end.
Look at the maps, then decide which end of the island you want to land on.
Why does it have to be at the end?
Because at the end you can get more weapons and equipment. There are also fewer enemies. Let the others meet in a crowded place. You are a beginner, just play it safe.
3. Plunge by dive or undive

In the free fire game, there is a plunge feature with a surfboard and without a surfboard.
If you dive, so you can land to your destination faster.
Point the analog button up, so you move in a straight line.
If your destination point is directly below you, don’t dive. Just plunge normally, take your hands off the analog buttons.
This diving technique is important, so you can get to your destination safely.
4. Find weapons as fast as possible

After landing try to search some places around.
Find as many weapons and equipment as possible.
If you happen to jump in an area with lots of enemies, quickly find a weapon. This will be a plus for you because you can shoot enemies faster.
But if there are not many enemies in the area, you can maximize it by exploring places to look for weapon attachments, and protective clothing, as well as med kits.
5. Run, jump and hide if the enemy has a weapon first

Furthermore, if you’ve been looking for weapons but haven’t found them. Then see the enemy from a distance, try to run, jump and hide.
Why should you jump? Because this will make it difficult for the enemy to aim.
But don’t look for hiding places like behind a red barrel or drum.
Because if the enemy sees you, he just shoots the barrel and you will automatically die because it explodes.
Better find a safe place such as inside a house, building, behind a tree, or behind a rock.
If you are shot by an enemy, you can see on the maps which direction the enemy is coming from. And you can know which way to run to avoid it.
6. Selection of weapons and equipment

For long range, choose an assault rifle (ar), or better like awp/awm.
For close range use SMG or Shotgun. One time or he just shot the enemy was dead.
When you meet an enemy who uses a shotgun, you can run and jump to avoid the shotgun bullets that spread.
SMG weapons are weapons that are very easy to find in free fire games.
In addition to weapons, also look for equipment such as bags, and fests to protect yourself from enemy fire from unknown directions.
Same with pubg games, bags and armor also have levels. The higher the level, the more supplies you can carry.
7. Don’t wander from building to building

If you have enough equipment. Now it’s time to find a safe place. No need to move from one building to another to look for enemies.
This will only increase the enemy’s chance to see your position.
You better enter the building and then use the scope to see the surrounding area. Who knows there is an enemy that you can aim at from afar.
If you have to walk out of one building to another, walk squatting, or prone.
This technique is quite powerful, because the enemy will definitely not see you, but you can see them.
However, pay attention to the zone. Don’t let you stay in the building for too long and die silly outside the zone.
Use vehicles to move to locations outside the save zone
Frequently look at maps and time. Remember that the game will be over in 10 minutes. And you only fight 50 players.
Therefore, so as not to die silly outside a safe area, try to move early to a safe place.
The final word
Those are tips for playing free fire for beginners. If you have any other tips, write them in the comments below. Hopefully these tips are useful for those of you who are just learning to play the battle royale free fire game to get booyah. 🙂
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