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5 Tips for Creating a Hard-to-Guess Password To Make Your Account More Secure

As we know, passwords are the first defense we use to protect accounts from malicious hands.

With a password, only we can access an account. Either Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email and other accounts.

But the fact is, nowadays a lot of people use passwords that are easy to guess. Yes, that is true. Hackers usually use the brute force method to guess passwords.

Usually weak passwords are easier to guess. For info, you can read Androbuntu’s article entitled 10 most easily guessed passwords throughout 2021.

Are you still using a weak password? So be careful. Because the security of your account is very vulnerable.

If you want to use a stronger password, here are 5 tips. Checkidot.

5 Tips for Making a Password that is Hard to Guess

1. Use a Long Password

When creating a password for email or social media, you will often see a green sign if your password is long enough.

Meanwhile, if you use a short password, there will be a red warning.

That means your password is weak and not safe to use.

Therefore, the first thing you should do to create a secure password is to use a long password. The longer the better and stronger.

Make sure your password is longer than 12 characters.

2. Don’t Use Identity As Password

The mistake some people make when creating a password is using their identity.

That is, using identification such as name, date of birth, home address, or even the name of a pet.

This is very risky. Your password will be very easy to guess. Especially if the prankster trying to access your account is someone who knows you personally.

So, avoid using your pet’s name, place of residence, date of birth, and the like for your password.

So that your password is not easy to guess.

3. Create Password From Sentences

This third point still has something to do with point number one above.

If you have difficulty and are confused about creating a long password, then you can outsmart it by using kaimat.

Try to string a random sentence together. Between 3 to 4 words.

Then use it as a password. But make sure that the sentence is unique and not easy to guess.

4. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and add reading

Now, to make it more extreme and difficult to guess, you can make the sentence by combining it with letters, numbers and other punctuation marks.

For example like this: 4ku54y4nkq4mu.

Guaranteed, no one will be able to guess your password.

5. Don’t use words in the dictionary

If you are still not sure about the security of your password, then you can use a password that does not include a word in the dictionary.

Use absurd words that are not in the dictionary. You can make up as absurd as you can, and make sure only you know what the word means.


So, those were 5 tips that you can try to create a password that is difficult to guess. Keep your accounts safe. Whether it’s an email account or a social media account.

Don’t forget to share this article with your friends who are bad at making passwords.

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