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The more technology develops on the latest laptops, don't forget these important things when buying them

A series of technological devices from time to time always experience constant development, including laptops. Now that the most advanced technology has been developed on the latest laptops, it’s no wonder that various jobs are also made easier by using a laptop with the latest technology.

Currently, laptops are needed by many people, ranging from students, office workers, content creators, business people, and many other layers of society. Don’t think that only professionals need the latest laptops with the latest technological specifications.

Well, along with the development of advanced technology on the latest laptops, then of course it becomes a must for us to be careful in buying it. So that the function of the laptop can also be obtained optimally. Similar to buying other electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, mini PCs and the like, we need to pay attention to some important things. Regarding laptops, here are some important things to consider when buying a laptop in order to get the latest quality laptop with the latest and most advanced specifications:

1. Design

Today’s laptop design has innovated much better than 10 years ago. The design with the 2 in 1 model on the latest laptops is now starting to be loved, where this model can open the laptop screen up to 360 degrees so that the keyboard can be enabled or hidden. If you choose such a recent laptop design, the important thing to note is the durability of the laptop
360 degree hinge.

2. Keyboard Convenience

Don’t forget to pay attention to how comfortable the keyboard is on the latest laptop you’re after. Although paying attention to laptop performance and design is more important, don’t forget that the keyboard is a very important component on a laptop. If you buy offline, it never hurts to try typing on the laptop on display to feel the level of comfort of the keyboard. If you buy it online, you can read reviews from those who have used your target laptop.

3. Battery Life

This problem is often a complaint by many laptop users. The reason is, until there are so many new laptops popping up, it seems that no one has offered such an amazing battery supply. At least laptops in this era with a good battery supply can only be used for 6 to 8 hours. For applications with low mobility it will suffice.

However, if you work more outside and are rarely paired with a stop contact, it seems like this is quite a complaint indeed. Tips that can be a solution is to take good care of the laptop during use so that the battery is also durable.

4. Screen

The screen is an equally important part to consider when buying a laptop. Unlike the latest smartphones, which are increasingly coming here with the most advanced technology, laptops still seem to develop a bit slower than smartphones. Things to consider on the latest laptop screens include the type of screen, the resolution, and the viewing angle. Graphics processing is also one that needs to be considered.

5. Conventional vs Hybrid

Conventional laptops are indeed quite helpful for completing various jobs even though their size is rather large and quite heavy, sometimes it is quite inconvenient when carried everywhere. But now, the latest hybrid type or 2 in one laptop has developed, which on average has a thin design and light weight.

Just adjust to your needs. If it requires you to
more often work outdoors and carry it everywhere, then this kind of
hybrid is more recommended.

Well, to get the latest laptop output at an affordable price, you can buy it online at Bukalapak. Bukalapak has become a leading and trusted marketplace that has so many sellers and customers every day. Not infrequently Bukalapak presents a series of attractive discount price promos, including for laptop products.

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