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Tips for Programmers for Choosing Hosting

Nowadays it feels like anyone can have their own website. Whether you are a professional in IT such as programmer, or maybe ordinary people who are attracted to the world of writing. It’s just that, of course, the needs of website programmers with ordinary people are different. For this reason, there are several things that programmers pay attention to when choosing hosting.

Why is that?

Because when a programmer develops a website, they must code and process a certain programming language. One of them is like Laravel which is a PHP framework and can make the website look more dynamic and expressive. Of course, in order for a number of programming languages ​​to run smoothly, the selection of hosting should not be careless.

4 Tips for Choosing Hosting for Programmers

One sad fact is that not all hosting providers are compatible with certain programming languages. This problem can certainly make programmers disappointed because in the end they can’t do their job optimally. In order not to experience this, some of the following tips for programmers to choose hosting can be tried:

1. Support Programming Language

The first tip when a programmer chooses a hosting is to make sure it supports various programming languages. As is well known, programmers use PHP to develop websites. If the hosting service ensures that there are resources to process programming languages, it means that hosting is suitable for programmers.

2. There is SSH Access

Most programmers need SSH (Secure Shell) access on cPanel Hosting in order to control and access the server remotely via an encrypted connection. Through SSH access, you can see server activity including installing applications to viewing website file directories. In order to use it, make sure the hosting account information first.

3. Git Availability

Tips for programmers choosing the next hosting is the availability of Git. Git is a version control system that allows programmers to develop software together, because it can manage versions of program source code.

Because it makes it easier to create files, and others, the quality hosting that the programmer chooses must have this feature.

4. Support Laravel

And the last tip is to make sure the hosting service supports Laravel. Thus having a website with a maximum appearance, dynamic and responsive is certainly not a dream anymore. Of course, not all hosting services are able to fulfill the above, but it doesn’t seem like a problem for Niagahoster.

Best Laravel Hosting on Niagahoster

As one of the best hosting service providers in Indonesia, Niagahoster also seems to fully support the activities of programmers. Niagahoster understands that programmers obviously need greater resources in using hosting services. For this reason, it is not surprising that many programmers choose hosting from Niagahoster.

Why is that?

Because there are so many hosting packages that Niagahoster offers, including those that support Laravel. Through the best Laravel hosting offered, programmers can install Laravel and composer on unlimited Personal, Business and Cloud Hosting packages to the maximum and of course more efficiently.

Even uploading Laravel to hosting is very easy. You only need to set up access to cPanel hosting, Laravel files and of course hosting services from Niagahoster. If all the processes have been passed well, you can immediately check and access the domain or subdomain so that the Laravel file is saved.

How? Actually, the steps for programmers to choose hosting are not difficult, right? As long as you find a hosting service that meets the tips above, you can certainly get a hosting provider you want like Niagahoster. Because with Niagahoster, a quality dynamic website is no longer a dream.

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