4 Ways to Use Wifi Master Key, Easy! (+Image)
What’s that Wifi Master Key? Wifi Master Key is an application to share Wi-Fi from one device to another (peer to peer). This application developed by LinkSure Network is the largest (number one) application in terms of free Wi-Fi access. Maybe some of you still don’t know what Wifi Master Key is but this app is still worth a try.
What are the uses of Wifi Master Key and how to use it?
Well, the main function of this application is to share Wifi hotspots to all users of the Wifi Master Key application for free/free. How does it work?
Well, if, smartphone User A successfully connects to one of the WiFi hotspots that has a password. Whereas, smartphone User B cannot connect to the Wi-Fi because he doesn’t know the password. Now, smartphone A and B, both have WiFi Master Key app. So, when user A shares a WiFi connection that is connected to his smartphone via the Wifi Master Key, user B can also connect to the WiFi connection even though he doesn’t know the password.
In addition, by using this application, smartphone You will be able to directly connect with free wifi that are around you and can also be directly connected to the wifi that you have saved the password automatically. Later, a notification will appear, if an accessible wifi is detected.
Then, you can also measure signal (signal strength), speed (speed test), and security from Wifi connected to smartphone You. In this article I will explain how to use the WiFi Master Key application. For more information, let’s see the explanation below.
How to Use Wifi Master Key for Beginners
In this discussion, I will explain how to find and connect with Free WiFi around you, share Wifi hotspots, and measure Wifi signal strength, speed and security. Below are the initial and basic steps in using Wifi Master Key.
1. Install the WiFi Master Key application via Google Play or Play Store.
2. Open the app, then tap the button Launch Now/Do it now.
3. Tap the button Turn on WiFi, scan hotspots to turn on WiFi in smartphone You are also looking for a hotspot connection that is available around you.
4. Wait until the process refreshing hotspot list finished.
5. After that, if found Free WiFi or WiFi that has been connected before (the password from the WiFi has been saved) then automatically smartphone You will be directly connected to the WiFi as shown in the image below.
6. Well, you can also do a search Free WiFi advanced by tapping the button Get More Free WiFi.
7. Then, tap on options OK to continue the search.
8. Well, now the advanced Free Wifi search is being carried out as shown in the image below. Wait until the search process is complete.
A. Hotspot Sharing
How to share hotspot connection with other WiFi Master Key users? Check out the explanation below.
1. To share the connected hotspot with your smartphone, tap 3-dots icon which is on the right side as indicated by the arrow in the image below.
2. Then, tap on options Share as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
3. Then, enter the password from the hostpot and check the box marked by the red box in the image below. Then, tap the button Share.
Well, you’ve managed to share the WiFi Hostpot with users WiFi Master Key other.
4. Now, let’s open the application WiFi Master Key by using smartphone different. You will find hostposts that have been shared openly via previous smartphones.
There is an inscription Free Connection which means you can use it for free because it has been shared by previous WiFi Master Key users. Tap the button Connect to connect to the WiFi.
5. Wait until it is successfully connected.
6. Well, now you have successfully connected to the WiFi. Well, if you want to check signal strength, speed and security, tap 3-dots icon as indicated by the arrows in the image below. (More explanation is in the explanation below)
B. Check Signal Strength (Signal)
You can check or find out the signal strength of a WiFi hotspot by using the Signal feature in the WiFi Master Key application.
1. For example, I want to know the signal strength of the WiFi connected to the smartphone. The trick is to tap 3-dots icon which is on the right side as indicated by the arrow in the image below.
2. Then, tap Signal as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
3. The result will look like in the image below.
C. Testing Speed WiFi (Speed)
You can test the speed of a WiFi hotspot by using the Speed feature in the app WiFi Master Key.
1. For example, I want to test the speed of the WiFi that is already connected to the smartphone. The trick is to tap 3-dots icon which is on the right side as indicated by the arrow in the image below.
2. Then, tap Speed as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
3. The result will look like in the image below.
D. Security Test (Security)
You can test the security of a WiFi hotspot by using the features Security from the WiFi Master Key app. By checking how secure the Wifi hotspot connection that has been connected to you goes through several stages, such as blocking suspicious websites and checking whether the hotspot does not contain fraud (phishing).
1. For example, I want to test the security of the WiFi that is already connected to the smartphone. The trick is to tap 3-dots icon which is on the right side as indicated by the arrow in the image below.
2. Then, tap Security as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
3. The result will look like in the image below.
That’s the discussion about how to use WiFi Master Key. Well, hopefully the discussion that has been explained above is useful and good luck. Thank you!
“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have any time to worry about failure.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
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