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Guide Zilong Mobile Legends: The Dragon Child With a Deadly Attack

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends – Zilong is one of the heroes that must have been used by all Mobile Legends players. Because this hero is the first hero we use when playing Mobile Legends.

Well, even though Zilong is an early hero that can be obtained for free, you can’t look down on Zilong.

On the other hand, Zilong has great damage and excellent ability to become a hero who is feared by opponents.

With a combination of great damage and good skills, Zilong can be a carry as well as a ganker.

Of course you have to use the best Zilong gear in order to maximize it on the battlefield.

Well, if Zilong is one of your heroes in Mobile Legends, then you must read this Zilong guide so that you can continue to savage while playing.

Read also:

Zilong Mobile Legends active and passive skills

Dragon Flurry

Zilong’s passive skill is very useful in battle. Dragon Flurry will make Zilong combo your opponent with attacks up to 1.8 times your basic physical attack.

When attacking an opponent with a basic attack, it will reduce the cooldown effect of this skill for half a second.

Spear Flip

Zilong will hit the enemy with his spear and then give physical damage of 300 points. Not only that, the enemy’s armor will also be reduced by 10 points for 2 seconds.

Spear Strike

Zilong ambushes the target quickly, then deals 260 points of physical damage.

Enemies affected by this skill will also reduce their running speed by 30 percent for 1 second. So the opponent will not be able to run.

Supreme Warrior

Next is Zilong’s ultimate skill, namely Supreme Warrior.

This skill will make Zilong very savage.

When this skill is used, Zilong’s running speed will increase by 30 percent. Basic attack speed also increases by 45 percent for 6 seconds.

If previously Zilong was being affected by a slow effect, then after using this skill the effect will disappear instantly.

Gear Zilong Mobile Legends

Well, after knowing the Zilong Mobile Legends active and passive skills, here are the recommendations for the strongest Zilong item build that you can try:

Tooth of Greed

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends

Tooth of Greed is a very useful starting item for carry heroes, including Zilong.

Tooth of Greed will make Zilong have HP within a safe limit.

That way he can do ganking safely and not easily die.

This item is also very suitable for mating with Dragon Flurry Zilong, because it can make Zilong’s HP return quickly.

Swift Boots

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends

Still related to Zilong’s passive skill, namely Dragon Flurry.

By adding the Swift Boots item, the Dragon Flurry skill has a greater chance to get out.

Blade of Destruction

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends

Of course, Zilong’s pride as a damager hero is his damage.

With Blade of Destruction, Zilong will have greater damage.

This item is a must buy if you use Zilong.

Blade Armor

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends

Apart from being a damager, Zilong is also often relied on as an initiator.

Therefore, not only the damage must be high, but also the defense.

This item is very effective for increasing Zilong’s defense.

With Blade Armor, you will not be easily killed by carry or assassin heroes in war.

This item will make Zilong stronger.

Scarlet Phantom

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends

The next item that will make Zilong stronger is the Scarlet Phantom.

Physical attack, until the attack speed will increase by using this item.

The Dragon Flurry skill will also have a greater chance to come out.

Blade of Despair

Guide Zilong Mobile Legends

The last strongest Zilong item that must be used is the Blade of Despair.

This item will make Zilong’s attack even more painful. You can beat your opponent faster.

As a pusher, you can also destroy the opponent’s tower quickly when using this item.

Recommended Battle Spells For Zilong > Flicker or Purify

FlickerZilong is very effective with Flicker or Purify battle spells. Just choose the one that best suits your playing style.

Flicker will allow you to catch enemies quickly. So no one will be able to escape from you.

Flicker is also very useful for escaping when in critical condition. So you are getting harder to kill.

While Purify will free you from all opponent buffs. Very suitable as a hero initiator who is often the target of the opponent’s attack.

Summary of Zilong Mobile Legends Guide

Well, above I have discussed at length about the strongest build items and gear for Zilong Mobile Legends.

The following is a summary of each of the above discussions.

Recommended items for Zilong Mobile Legends:

  • Tooth of Greed: to increase Physical attack
  • Swift Boots: increase Zilong’s movement speed
  • Blade of Destruction: increase attack and critical chance
  • Blade Armor: increase armor, Zilong becomes tougher and harder to kill
  • Scarlet Phantom: increase attack, attack speed and critical attack probability
  • Blade of Despair: increase attack, attack speed and critical attack probability

Recommended battle spells for Zilong:

  • Flickers: in order to be able to catch up to the enemy who tried to escape, and also to run away when the blood was dying
  • Or Purify: to break free from the buffs given by the enemy

Additional Tips for Using Zilong in Battle in Mobile Legends

Zilong is very good at kidnapping enemies. The skill sequence commonly used is skill 2 + skill 1, very good at ganking.

With skill 2, Spear Strike, you will ambush enemies quickly. After that use skill 1 Spear Flip to pry the enemy towards you and let your friends bully him.

While Zilong’s ultimate skill, Supreme Warrior, is very good to use when you want to push towers, ganking to chase enemies or run away.

By following the build items and playing tips above, you can score a lot of pentakill and even savage when using Zilong.

Basically Zilong is a very easy hero to use. But, you can’t ignore it.

You have to keep playing it seriously and use the right build items so that Zilong gets more full damage.

Also read other Mobile Legends guides:

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