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The Impact of Laptop Radiation on the Body and How to Overcome It

A laptop or PC (Personal Computer) is not just a matter of how users use the device for various kinds of work. What is also more important are issues related to users, especially regarding the radiation emitted by laptops and their impact on the body and health.

No matter how expensive the laptop you buy, it still has a negative side that cannot be denied. The first fact that cannot be denied: laptops and personal computers are electronic devices. And like any other type of electronic device, it emits electromagnetic radiation. The level and level of electromagnetic radiation emitted by each electronic device varies, and is highly dependent on the type of device.

In this day and age, it is common to find types of laptops that have been installed with Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) devices. So generally, these devices are installed in every type of laptop you buy. Although basically a very useful device for every laptop owner, there is a downside to Wi-Fi where the waves it emits can harm your health.

Well here we are trying to identify the impact of laptop radiation on the human body and how to overcome it. Let’s start with the heat generated by a laptop:

  1. Heat from laptops can affect fertility

laptop-lapBelieve it or not, this is an important fact that needs to be underlined. Laptops generate heat and people usually put the laptop on their thighs when using the device for work. Therefore, it would be better if laptop users avoid behaviors such as putting the laptop on their thighs. In addition to inducing the sensation of heat, such behavior will lead to health problems in the form of skin diseases. The reason is simple: excessive heat on the laptop will give rise to radiation, and in turn will interfere with the health of the body.

There are also other bad effects, namely reduced fertility rates in both men and women. Until this point, it would be better for you to operate the laptop on a table, because it is more comfortable and free from health risks that may arise when you put the laptop on your thigh.

2. Radiation on laptops affects eye health

There are many negative effects of laptop radiation which if not avoided will actually make things worse. Therefore limit the use of laptops so that the eyes are not too tired. In addition you can do the following things:

  • Set the minimum distance between the eyes and the laptop screen, at least as far as 50-100 cm.
  • Put a filter on the laptop monitor, so that radiation does not reach the eyes.
  • Place the monitor at your eye level.
  • The colors on the monitor should not be too bright, but also not too dark. A laptop monitor that is too bright will actually dazzle your eyes, while a monitor that is too dark will actually make your eyes dry quickly. Adjust the color on the monitor so pleasing to the eye.
  • Set the refresh rate on the monitor to 75 htz
  • Blinking frequently when using a laptop for work or playing games, this will help the eyes become moist and wet.
  • When using a laptop for a long time, try to rest your eyes for 15 minutes so that your eyes are fresh.

3. Do not use a laptop whose battery is charging

eye and monitor safe distanceUsually very often encountered scenes where people are still using a laptop that is being charged. This is not really the right behavior. Because the radiation emission on a laptop that is being charged is usually much higher than a laptop that is not being charged. Therefore, you should leave the laptop until the battery is completely charged.

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