[Genshin Impact] Best Yanfei Build So DPS Pyro
Yanfei is a 4-star Pyro character who just arrived in the update Genshin Impact version 1.5. He was the son of a father who was an Adeptus and a human mother, who grew up in Liyue. In the game, Yanfei is told as a legal advisor who is respected by the people of Liyue because he often helps them in legal matters.
For those of you who are looking for a build for Yanfei, we will provide recommendations that are suitable for the Pyro character in Genshin Impact this one.
Build DPS
As a Catalyst user and judging by the skills he has, Yanfei can be built into DPS to help kill the current enemy. Moreover, with Melt and Vaporize elemental reactions that can add damage to the enemy.
For that, here are the DPS build recommendations for Yanfei:
Weapon Recommendations
For weapons that you can use for Yanfei as DPS are:
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds – CRIT Rate

Increases Movement SPD by 10%. While in battle, get 8~16% Bonus Elemental DMG every 4 seconds. Max 4 stacks. Lasts until the character falls or leaves the battle.
The Widsith – CRIT DMG

When the character takes the field, they will get a random theme song for 10 seconds. This can only happen once every 30 seconds.
Recitative: ATK increased by 60~120%.
Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 48 ~ 96%.
Interlude: Elemental Mastery increased by 240 ~ 480.
Skyward Atlas – ATK

Increases Elemental DMG Bonus by 12~24%. Normal Attack attacks have a 50% chance of getting support from the cloud. which actively searches for nearby opponents to attack for 15 seconds, dealing 160~320% ATK DMG. Can only happen every 30’s.
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Artifact Recommended
For Artifacts, you can use a set to increase your attack:
Pyro DPS
Crimson Witch of Flames x4 (Preferred Status ATK% / Pyro DMG / CRIT RATE / CRIT DMG)

(2) Pyro DMG Bonus +15%
(4) Increases DMG Overloaded and Burning by 40%. Increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. Using Elemental Skills increases the Set 2 Part Bonus by 50% of its initial value for 10 seconds. Max 3 stacks.
Charged ATK DPS
Wanderer’s Troupe x4 (Preferred status ATK% / Pyro DMG / CRIT RATE / CRIT DMG)

(2) Increase Elemental Mastery by 80.
(4) Increases Charged Attack DMG by 35% if character uses Catalyst or Bow weapons.
That’s the build for Yanfei di Genshin Impact. Again, this build from us is only a recommendation. You are free to follow it or you have a build that suits your own play style. Look forward to other character builds as well as tips and guides Genshin Impact more only on GameFever ID!
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