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Build Item Gear Zhask Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2021

Want to know the build item gear for Hero Zhask in Mobile Legends, the Strongest, Auto Savage Top Global Lemon? The Mage-type hero in this discussion is an alien creature whose appearance is all dark blue, namely Zhask.

Zhask is the only Hero who has 4 active skills and 1 passive skill. With his strength the enemy facing Zhask did not dare or be afraid to approach him.

Because Zhask can summon a Nightmaric that has a ranged attack. In the background of Zhask, Zhask is a subordinate of Argus who is assigned to invade and enslave the minds of the people and plunder all the resources in their world.

Zhask, had left his “Plane Dominator” signature on the many worlds he had whipped. One of the many spirits he sent to search the ripe world, was brought down by the Holy Angel Argus.

For this discussion here, we will provide some information about the Zhask build which will give high damage to the enemy then a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Zhask Hero.

This is the Worst, Savage, Strongest Zhask Mobile Legends Gear Item Build.

Build Item Gear Zhask Burst Full Damage Hurt

Zhask is a Hero Mage whose attack type is long-range and his Ulti is able to make enemies dare not approach him. The ult makes Nightmaric big and gives a large additional Damage until it can kill enemies.

So this makes the enemy reluctant to approach Zhask. Then you can follow the recommendations for the Worst and Strongest Zhask gear build item below:

1. Gear ‘Swift Boot’s’

Build Gear Zhask Mobile Legends 1

The main or first item is to buy this Swift Boot’s. This item will increase the status of +15% Attack Speed ​​and add +40 Movement Speed. Suitable for the prefix to finish off the minions at the beginning of the game.

2. Gear ‘Scarlet Phantom’

Build Gear Zhask Mobile Legends 2

Second, buy a Scarlet Phantom. Buying this item will add +30 Physical Attack, 40% Attack Speed, and + 10% Crit. Strike Chance. With his passive gives 25% Attack Speed ​​and Crit. Strike Rate 5% to Hero for 3 seconds.

Coupled with buying the previous item, namely Swift Boot’s, and if Zhask uses his second skill the results will be very fast to kill the enemy and give a lot of damage quickly.

3. Gear ‘Glowing Wand’

Build Gear Zhask Mobile Legends 3

Third, is the Glowing Wand item which will add +75 Magic Power, +5% Movement Speed, +15 Magical PEN.

With the passive i.e. Damage generated from the skill will burn the target for 3 seconds, dealing 2% /2.5% /3% of the target’s remaining HP as magic damage (Min. 10 damage).

4. Gear ‘Lighting Truncheon’

Build Gear Zhask Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, buy a Lighting Truncheon which will add +75 Magic Power, +30 Mana Regen. With his passive every 6 seconds, Magical ability will increase a maximum of 3 injured enemies by 150% Magic Power Damage.

5. Gear ‘Winter Truncheon’

Build Gear Zhask Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, is Winter Truncheon, this item will add +60 Magic Power, +25 Armor, +400 HP.

And the unique passive is that after using this item the Hero will become immobile but will get Immune or immune to any attack, lasts for 2 seconds and the Cooldown is 100 seconds.

And after updating this item can be activated manually, and the effect of making invulnerability is very beneficial.

6. Gear ‘Blood Wings’

Build Gear Zhask Mobile Legends 6

This last item is an item that has become mandatory for Mages to buy during the late game, because this item will provide the greatest Magic Power Damage of all Magic items.

This item will add +150 Magic Power, +150 HP. By passively adding 2 HP for 1 Magic Power used.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero ZhaskMobile Legends

What skills are owned by the hero Zhask, one of the heroes that is quite annoying for his opponent and quite deadly if in a dominant position.

Zhask’s Passive Skill: Decimaion

Zhask Decimaion's Passive Skill

Zhask will command Nightmaric to go into self-destruct mode, and deal 500 (+100% Total Magic Power) damage to its surroundings.

Zhask’s 1st Skill: Nightmaric Spawn

Skill 1 Zhask Nightmaric Spawn

  • Cooldown: 16.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 100

Summons Nightmaric Spawn at the specified location, Nightmaric Spawn cannot move but will automatically attack nearby enemies.

Every 2 basic attacks launches a laser beam at the target, and when launching 3 laser beams three will continue for a short time towards the enemy target and stun him. Nightmaric Spawn stats will be increased by skill level.

Skill 2 Zhask: Mind Eater

Skill 2 Zhask Mind Eater

  • Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 50

Fires a laser missile in the targeted direction, all enemies in the path will be dealt 400 (+200% Total Magic Power) points of magic damage. The Nightmaric Spawn will also fire a Mind Eater once.

Skill 3 Zhask: Hive Clones

Skill 3 Zhask Hive Clones

  • Cooldown: 10.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 60

In the targeted direction releasing a swarm of Nightmaric clones, they will explode upon contact with an enemy dealing 140 (+50% Total Magic Power) points of magical damage.

For 3 seconds will reduce the enemy’s movement speed by 80%, if they don’t come into contact with the enemy, they will dig into the ground and then attack past the enemy.

Zhask Ultimate Skill: Dominator’s Descent

Ultimate Skill Zhask Dominators Descent

  • Cooldown: 60.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 200

Substantially increase the power of Spawn Nightmaric, increase all attributes. The skill increase depends on each level and can move to the designated place only once.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Zhask Mobile Legends Hero

Zhask is a Mage-type Hero, so set his Emblem to use a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent order below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Zhask Mobile Legends 1

  • 3 Points = Vitality
  • 3 Points = Flow
  • And passive Emblem use Energy Absorption (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Magic Power Surge (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that is specific to Hero Mage is to use the Mage Emblem. If your Emblem Mage level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent order below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Zhask Mobile Legends 2

  • 3 Points = Flow
  • 3 Points = Catastrophe
  • And passive Emblem use Golden Touch (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Magic Worship (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Impure Rage (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Zhask Mobile Legends

Even though the Zhask hero has enough GG attacks and skills, there is no harm in giving the spell below for various possibilities.

1. Flicker

Flicker Mobile Legends

The first recommended spell or ability for Zhask is Flicker. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown.

Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

2. Inspire

Inspire Mobile Legends

The second recommended spell or ability for Zhask is Inspire. This spell or ability function will increase 8 Basic Attacks and increase your Hero’s Attack Speed ​​by 55% for 5 seconds.

Tips for Using Hero Zhask Mobile Legends The Pain, Strongest, Savage

How to Use Hero Zhask Mobile Legends

For the strategy of using Hero ML Mage Zhask, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Zhask so you can kill enemies easily.

1. Zhask Always Behind Partner

How to Use Hero Zhask Mobile Legends 1

Zhask is a Hero Mage who can’t go solo, so try to partner with a teammate who is a Fighter or Tank type. D

You always remember to be behind your partner or you can go forward to direct the Zhask skill to the enemy, but after that you still have to cover it again.

Because if Zhask is hit by an enemy target and doesn’t cover it, of course the slow Zhask will be killed by the enemy and of course your partner who is alone or left will have difficulty fighting without Zhask’s support.

And always have to be around Nightmaric when fighting, because Zhask when targeted is very weak, especially the old Zhask Movement Speed.

2. Use Combination Skills/Combos for Hero Zhask

To use this Zhask Hero you have to learn combos must this:

How to Use Hero Zhask Mobile Legends 2

  • First use skill 1 to spawn Nightmaric
  • Second, use the Ulti Zhask skill to make Nightmaric big and also deal big damage then if the enemy runs or chases you, you can just run and move Nightmaric towards the enemy.
  • Third, use skill 3 towards the enemy target or a crowded place with the enemy.
  • Aim at the enemy target by using skill 2
  • And additionally if you use spells or the Inspire ability then use them to be fast to overthrow the enemy.

3. Zhask Fits Push Turret Quickly

How to Use Hero Zhask Mobile Legends 3

When Zhask is above level 8 then Zhask can be fast to push enemy turrents and even with just 1 line of dead minions is enough for Zhask to destroy enemy turrents and even faster when your friends or team help.

Some Hero Weaknesses of Hero Zhask Mobile Legends

Below is one of the heroes that is quite deadly and almost always banned during the Tourname, what hero.

1. Hero Helcurt

Hero Helcurt Mobile Legends

For Hero Assassins this can be a troublesome enemy. Helcurt who can be said to be a Mage killer is a must watch out for.

Because the Helcurt skill that can kill or block your skill + your Movement Speed ​​will be slowed so that those of you who use Zhask can only surrender to be slaughtered by this Hero Assassin called Helcurt.

Even when you run away, Helcurt can teleport to you so that it can easily attack you when you are Ulti.

How to Deal with Helcurt

The only way to deal with Helcurt is when Helcurt issues Ulti skills and the screen becomes limited, try to get close to your Nightmaric or your turrent and try to find your friends on a team to cover each other.


Now that’s Zhask’s build gear hero, are you interested in using the admin build gear above, we can’t guarantee you will auto MVp, because if it’s a matter of the player’s own abilities and experience, like most Top Global.

Back off when needed because greed to kill is quite inconvenient for most users, so be wise in attacking and make sure you are always in optimal condition for attacks to be deadly and launched with a strong and optimal.

If you feel that the Zhask Mobile Legends hero build gear above is very sick and strong, share it, guys… greetings auto savage.

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