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Here are the Leveling Tips in Tales of Wind (Laplace M)

Tales of Wind or Laplace M is an MMORPG game that might remind you of the game Ragnarok M: Eternal Love. In this game there are four classes that players can choose from, namely Mage, Assassin, Warrior, and Cleric. Here you can also create your own character, build a virtual family, catch pets, and much more.

Well, for those of you who have played this game and want to immediately level up in this game Laplace M, Here are leveling tips Laplace M.

1. Cap Level

For those of you who want to immediately level up on the first day when it’s released, like yesterday’s CBT or at Laplace M Taiwan’s version, will be limited to the number of levels that can be achieved in a day.

  • First day : 29
  • Second day: 34
  • Third day: 38
  • Fourth day: 42
  • Fifth day: 45
  • Sixth day: 48
  • Seventh Day : 50

So, for players who have little or no time to play, don’t be too sad, because you won’t be left far behind

2. Skill Points

Skill points are used to unlock new skills or to increase the effects of learned skills. Skill points are obtained when players level up, or you can also exchange your exp.

The more often you exchange your exp for skill points, the higher the exp needed to be exchanged for 1 skill point.

3. Dungeons

Dungeon itself is divided into 3, namely Equipment Realm, Card Realm, and Dragon Realm.

  • Equipment Realms: dungeons to obtain certain equipment. Equipment realm is divided into 4 difficulties, Easy, Normal, Hard, Hell. In hard dungeons, the equipment drop rate will be increased by 100%. And in Hell Dungeon, it will be increased by 200%. Every day you will be given 3 tickets to enter each level.
  • Card Realms: Dungeons aimed at obtaining cards that can be inserted into equipment. Card realm is divided into Zones and Stages. Each zone has 4 stages and 1 boss. And to open the next zone, you must defeat the boss in the previous zone. Starting a realm card in a party will increase the drop rate by 20%.
  • Dragon Realm: Dungeon aimed at finding XP, cards, equipment, and summon bells. Every day, players will be given 2x opportunities to enter this dungeon. Dragon realm is divided into 2 stages, namely:
  1. You are assigned to collect dragon eggs, and carry them past the guards who are there
  2. When you have collected 12 eggs, you will be assigned to kill the guards earlier to get crystals. This crystal is needed to break the eggs that were collected earlier.

When your chance is up, you can still enter the dungeon, but you won’t get any drop items or experience. However, you will get a replacement in the form of a helper card, which can later be exchanged for items or icons.

Well, that’s the leveling tips in Tales of Wind. Do not forget to share to your friends, yes!


Laplace M
Laplace M

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