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Tips and Tricks against Alatreon in Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Alatreon has finally officially come to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. The monster that can change elements is rumored for 4 days has given players tremendous frustration. How come ? The monster who debuted as the final boss in the Monster Hunter 3 series has a deadly gimmick that cannot be avoided at all, but must be faced instead.

By relying on his ultimate attack move called Escaton Judgment, Alatreon is ready to be the biggest test that players are ready to meet in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Because compared to other monsters, Alatreon really gave a very large level spike. Remembering you and your team members 90% will always die instantly if his ulti moves fail to weaken.

If you are currently struggling desperately or are planning to start an adventure full of suffering in dealing with Alatreon, it seems that you need to pay attention to a few tips and tricks that we have shared below.

Elemental weapons are an ABSOLUTE obligation!

Even though Alatreon is known as a monster that is able to change its elemental weaknesses and strengths, you are still required to fight these monsters with elemental weapons. The purpose of the elements here is to use weapons that contain basic elements such as Fire, Ice, Dragon, Water, and Electricity. Not using weapons with blast effects, poison, sleep and the like.

This is very important to remember. Because these basic elemental weapons are an initial requirement so that you can at least reduce the damage from Escaton Judgment’s ultimate attack.

Alatreon’s elemental grip = Fire-Dragon-Ice / Ice-Dragon-Fire

In the Special Assignment mission, Alatreon always starts the battle with the Fire element. In general, you only need to give the monster elemental damage that is the opposite of that element. For example, for Fire, you can use an Ice elemental weapon to ward off it.

Although Ice is the most effective element, elements other than non-fire are still quite compatible to use, and vice versa. You can also pay attention to the description of the level of weakness of Alatreon’s active element mode through the description image below.

Weaknesses in “Fire” mode

Weaknesses in “Ice” mode

Weaknesses in “Dragon” mode

Whether in ice or fire elemental mode, Alatreon always changes its element to Dragon element before heading to ice or fire element. With the standard formula Fire>Dragon>Ice or Ice>Dragon>Fire, this monster basically only has a 3 element state mode. And the existence of the Dragon element itself acts more like a conductor.

Dragon Mode: Mode to destroy Alatreon’s horn

When Alatreon Switches his element to dragon mode starting from his action in performing an explosive move with various black electric auras covering his body, you have the opportunity to destroy the horns of this Elder Dragon monster when he is in that mode.

Most effectively done with wallbang, there is a function mechanism that is quite interesting if you manage to break the horns of this monster. Alatreon is uniquely able to skip back to the previous element instead of going to the next element. This can be quite important to do if you and your squad members want to focus more on exploiting Alatreon’s first element weakness.

Survive Escaton Judgment Alatreon

Don’t be mistaken. Breaking the horns has absolutely no benefit in keeping you from the ultimate move which is completely unavoidable even with Farcaster though. Given that its function is more than just delaying Alatreon’s time to switch to the next element, Escaton Judgment has a different mechanism that needs to be handled in a different way.

Back again to the matter of exploiting elemental weaknesses, you must provide elemental damage that really fits and matches Alatreon. There are a number of element DPS check which must be passed through the symptoms of the falling monster and the appearance of a notification from the Handler that you have succeeded in compressing one of its elemental strengths.

So when Alatreon uses Escaton Judgment in that elemental mode, the damage is no longer as painful as before you can deal enough elemental damage. However, you still have to be vigilant to prepare Astera Jerky plus a health booster to mitigate the results of the reduced damage.

Preparation before the fight!

You still have to do elemental damage when you have once or twice managed to withstand Alatreon’s ultimate move attack. Because the elemental damage conditions also reset when he was about to release the next Escaton Judgment move.

So from there, this is actually the important focus of the fight against Alatreon. You really are required to play more aggressively than defensively by dealing as much elemental damage as possible in order to win. So that you can achieve that, the power from weapons to all build equipment and decorations that you have also plays an important role.

Weapon + Armor skill + Jewel

In terms of weapons, you must at least have a weapon with an attack element level above 400. On top of that, it got even better through the existence of Kulve Taroth’s Kjarr weapon option. Or, weapons from Alatreon itself whose materials you can collect little by little while still losing in completing missions.

The type of weapon is also recommended for those that can more easily give effect proc elements rather than just relying on raw damage. Examples like Dualblade, Insect Glaive, Sword and Shield, Long Sword, Ax Switch until Charge Blade. Beyond that, it’s still possible even though it requires a lot of adjustments.

The rest is for Armor Skill, the easiest you can use bonus full set of safi’jiiva armor which can give an additional 150 elemental attack plus 40% affinity. If you haven’t had time to have the complete set of armor, as an alternative you can focus on boosting the strength of your weapon elements through the jewel slot installation feature.

Not only for elemental ones, the existence of such skills Agitator, Coalescence, Partbreaker, Critical Eye also brings an offensive function that can be quite useful.

In giving a more defensive side, you can act as a healer by maximizing skills widerange and speed eating. Other than that, Health Boost 3 including skills that are classified as the most must-have. The rest, there Blight Resist, Stun Resist, Flinch Free, which is actually no less crucial.

Skills Defense boost in high level can give you extra elemental resistance boost which is passable. Considering that almost all of Alatreon’s attacks are indeed more elemental in nature.

While eating. Utilizing Def up and Atk up effects won’t help much in this elemental battle. So take effect Elemental Resist Up is clearly something that should be prioritized.

Fighting solo is easier than co-op ?

Can’t say it’s easier or harder. However, the main positive side of fighting Alatreon solo is that you can make the fight more controlled when you die.

Especially when combined with the effects of the Felyne Insurance or Felyne Safeguard food skills, you really seem to have 4 lives that must be used as well as possible. At least to ensure that you can only safely die when hit by Escaton. So the use of the full Stun Resistance skill is of course a mandatory item that you need to bring so that your character doesn’t die ridiculously.

While playing as a team, it’s a good idea if you communicate first in asking what type of elemental weapon your colleagues have. Especially for the sake of coordinating the strategy of Alatreon’s horn condition which really needs to be solved or left alone so that you and your friends can focus more damage on the weakness of the elements that need to be addressed.

Those are a number of tips and tricks that you need to know when you want to or get frustrated in dealing with Alatreon. Yes, we know this monster is very, very difficult to beat. But with at least you know about the weaknesses and the focus that must be targeted, surely you can certainly learn from every failure for your failure to beat it.

The point is keep the spirit, and don’t give up easily!

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