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Tips and Tricks to Play Identity V

Are you the hunter or the hunted? Identity V has similar gameplay to Dead by Daylight. Here players are divided into two camps, one person will play as a Hunter and the rest will become survivors, so 4 against 1.

Well, for those of you who have played Identity V and having trouble while playing this game. Tips and tricks from Sukaon will help you win the match. Here are tips and tricks for playing Identity V.

Complete all tutorials

Once you have completed memory 1-10, you will open Quick Match followed by a tutorial. However, if you go to the game menu, you will notice that the Tutorial has a notification sign next to it. It turns out that there are a few little tutorials that can help you improve your understanding of the rules of the game or if you forget something.

Listen to audio cues during decoding

As a Survivor, your main goal is to find and decode the cipher machine. When you do decoding, you have to deal with calibration. A meter will appear suddenly and you must stop the needle at the indicated zone. If your timing is right, you will speed up the decoding process, but if you fail, you will attract the attention of the Hunter.

Calibration can sometimes distract you, so pay close attention when decoding. So listen carefully and really hear the audio cue when the calibration is about to appear. If you play with the sound muted, you can also keep an eye on your Action button, an additional button that will appear when calibration is about to start.

Wait for the Terror Shock opportunity

As a Hunter, you can immediately disable a Survivor if you manage to land a “Terror Shock”. Terror Shock occurs when a Survivor is performing an action, such as jumping through a window, healing another Survivor, or freeing another Survivor from the rocket seat.

As you might have guessed, this can make it easier for you to tie up Survivors and place them in the rocket seats. The problem is if there are intelligent Survivors who are always on the alert and choose not to take any action when they feel a heartbeat. So you need to get a little creative and bait Survivor into thinking it’s safe.

Changing Persona Talents

You need to remember that changing your talents on Persona Web is free and can be done whenever you want. You should try to build the talent that matches the character you want.

For example for Survivor, if you are playing as a doctor, “Drawbridge Effect” might be useful for you because you can see other Survivors within 18 meters around you. So, it will be easier for you to help other Survivors by knowing their whereabouts.

As for Hunter’s example, if you’re playing as Hell Ember, you might want to pick up the “Deteriorate” talent which is a special ability that allows him to create a puppet that can signal when he sees a Survivor. He can also swap places with them to ambush Survivors. However, if left alone, Survivors can destroy puppets and the Deteriorate talent allows Survivors to decode more slowly.

Tips for Survivors

  • Divide the team into two. you will be protected that way, if you have to run past the Hunter he may attack only two of one or both of your team. It’s much easier to escape with fewer people, you can even heal each other when you’re hurt.
  • If more than one Survivor does the decoding on the cipher machine, of course the process will be faster. This is very helpful, but make sure you pay attention to any uninvited guests.
  • You can deliberately manipulate the decoding process to lure Hunters to your location. To do this, you need to communicate with other Survivors, but if they get close to the cipher machine, you can become bait and attract attention from them.

Tips for Hunters

  • Every Hunter is equipped with the “Listen” ability by default. It takes a moment when you use the ability, but it’s worth it. This allows you to see exactly where the survivors are. Use it when you really lose your way, and time is running out.
  • Stay persistent. If you see a survivor. Follow them relentlessly. Survivors won’t run forever, if no barriers are used, you’ll eventually catch them!
  • If you can’t land a Terror Shock, a regular hit can be just as good. Continue to follow them after your Hunter recovers.
  • Rocket Chairs can be used in creative ways. Once a Survivor is tied up, they must be released, otherwise they will be eliminated from the game. Other survivors will help them, and you can use this to your advantage.

Those are the tips and tricks for playing Identity V. If you know any other tips and tricks, don’t hesitate to let us know.

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