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Where is Shanty Town in Fortnite?

where is shanty town in fortnite — all right so i’ve decided that I want to prioritize these tutorial based on which ones are non-named locations so when you open up the map if you don’t see the name

of it that’s where we’re going to be going to first for the remainder of these colors and then we’ll cycle around to the typical ones like retail catty corner stuff like that so the next one

Shanty Town Fortnite

says shantytown so shantytown if you don’t know is a little location just west of sludgy swamps

where is shanty town in fortnite
where is shanty town in fortnite

Where is Shanty Town in Fortnite?

so you’ve got your first one here right atop the uh the centerpiece if you will uh you’ve got another bottle right about there it’s ghoulish green which is gonna be pretty

and then where is our third and final one there it is so you’ve got one basically dead in the center you’ve got one over to the eastern side and then this one is beneath the building on the western side

let me get my old print screen for the thumbnail boop there we go uh and if you did find this tutorial helpful then as always be sure to

and please please please use code in the little word in the item shop for the first few weeks of the season because um it seems as though punch cards have removed quests which means

that i don’t have anything to make tutorial on oops have an awesome one and please use my code and i will see you all next time and visit

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