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Here's How to Use PUBG Mobile Premium Crate Coupon

get and use pubg premium chest coupons – Buying favorite items in PUBGM is the desire of many players. Unfortunately, certain items can only be purchased using UC.

This of course makes players who rarely or never top up UC feel sad. Because they can’t have items like the skin they want.

Fortunately PUBG provides a feature called premium chests, where you can get premium prizes by opening them.

pubg premium chest coupon
Premium Chest Coupon

You can get interesting skins, even epic or legendary items by opening premium chests PUBG. You need premium chest coupons to open and get rewards from premium chests.

How to Get Chest Coupon

Before you move on to how to use PUBG premium chest coupons, it’s a good idea to know in advance how to get these chest coupons.

You can get chest coupons in PUBG by combining chest coupon pieces.

The following are the steps for converting a crate coupon into a premium crate coupon:

  1. Go to inventory, then press the box-shaped button at the bottom.
  2. Choose a premium chest piece then press combine to turn the chip into a premium chest coupon, then press ok.
  3. Every 10 premium chests you own will be converted into 1 premium chest coupon. If you have 61 premium chests, then that means you will get 6 premium chest coupons.

How to Use PUBG Premium Chest Coupon

Once you know how to get premium chest coupons, then now you should know how to use those coupons. Following are the steps to use chest coupons:

  1. Enter the chest menu by pressing the chest-shaped button located in the right corner.
  2. After that select the premium chest menu to draw and get prizes.
  3. You can see the prizes provided in the premium chest in the details section.
  4. Press the unlock button once to open the chest once by using the premium chest coupon. You can also press the Unlock button 10 times by using 10 premium chest coupons.
  5. If you choose to open 10 times then you will be guaranteed to get at least 1 legendary item from the premium chest.

Tips for Opening Premium Chests

There are some tips that supposedly can help you to get good items in premium chests.

Many people recommend these tips, even though they haven’t been tested properly. For that, there is no harm in trying these tips for opening PUBT premium chests:

  1. Press the show animation button then watch the animation without skipping.
  2. When the emote is playing, then wait for the emote to finish and don’t skip the emote animation.
  3. Tap-tap the desired item continuously for a few moments.

Those are various information about how to get premium chest coupons, how to use premium chest coupons, along with quick tips for opening premium chest coupons.

We hope that the information we provide about PUBG premium chests is useful. Wish you luck and get your favorite items in premium chests!

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