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Watch out! Hands-free Still Danger While Driving, Jakarta – We have often heard the prohibition of driving while on the phone. The use of hands-free or loud speaker phones is considered safer, and is used as a justification for making calls while driving. However, this method is still risky.

A recent study from the University of Sussex in the UK says that hands-free is still very risky because it can affect performance and slow down the brain reaction of the driver.

The results of the study revealed that the research group had conducted an experiment to see the effect of how the human brain responds to incoming cell phone calls, as well as how it affects a person’s speaking ability.

For example, when you receive a phone call from a friend asking which restaurant you ate yesterday. Well, at that time the brain will try to restore memories and describe the restaurant you visited yesterday.

This situation will directly reduce some of the focus on the human brain that should be used to focus on seeing the road. As a result, the response of drivers who also have conversations via cellphones will slow down to one second.

Can you imagine the danger when you are driving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, where every fraction of a second a threatening danger is in front of you.

So what’s the solution? The best thing we should do is not to make phone calls while driving, because it will save your life as well as others. Be careful. [HBS]

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