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How to Know the Location of the Enemy in Free Fire, Keep Booyah

How to find out the location of the enemy in Free Fire is certainly the dream of all players.

Because by knowing the location, we can defeat the enemy easily.

That way we can more easily booyah.

But to be able to know the exact location of our opponents in FF is very difficult.

Moreover, the enemy can come from any direction.

When our concentration is fixated on one enemy, it could be that other enemies are also watching us and ready to attack.

Therefore, Buddy Androbuntu need to apply the tips and tricks below.

Read also:

How to Find Enemy Locations in Free Fire

1. Listening to the Sound of Enemy Footprints

One of the signs that an enemy in Free Fire is approaching is the sound of footsteps.

The sound will be heard clearly when the enemy is getting closer.

Therefore, when playing Free Fire, it would be better if you increase the volume of your cellphone.

If necessary set to the highest volume.

So you can hear what’s happening in the game more clearly.

When you hear the sound of footsteps, immediately observe the conditions around you.

Both from the front, right, left and back.

There must be an enemy approaching.

2. Viewing from a High Place

The battle arena in Free Fire is not just a flat field.

However, there are mountains and hills with varying heights.

If it’s nearing the end of the game, usually you will have trouble finding enemies.

It could be that the enemy is hiding or equally having trouble finding you.

Well, the way to overcome this can be by going to a higher area.

So Buddy Androbuntu’s view can be wider.

It will be even more effective if you use a sniper type weapon.

So after getting the enemy’s location, you can shoot right away.

3. Take advantage of Scanner Items

In FF there is a scanner item that you can get at loadout.

When used, you can find out a lot about your enemies.

For example, where are they dropping off, where are they going and so on.

In other words, you can track the enemy.

However, this item can only be used at the beginning of the game.

So, make good use of it.

Because if you enter the middle to the end of the game, you can’t use it.

4. Pay attention to the map when you hear gunshots

Not only the sense of sight, a good sense of hearing is needed when playing FF.

One reason is that you can use it to detect opponents.

If you hear gunshots around, then immediately pay attention to the map.

If there is a red dot on the map, immediately approach or aim.

Because it is the enemy.

If you see more than one red dot on the map, then you need to be careful.

That’s a sign that there is more than one enemy around the area where you stand.

You need to move slowly and quietly so you don’t get caught.

5. Using Vehicles

Take advantage of all the items in Free Fire.

One of them is a vehicle.

You can use it to find the remaining enemies.

Get in the vehicle, then browse the map.

The drawback of this method, you will be more easily detected by the enemy.

So chances are they will immediately know when you are near them.

But Buddy Androbuntu can outsmart this by directly hitting the enemy with a vehicle.

Or if you have seen the enemy from afar, immediately shoot using a sniper.

6. Sensitive to Surrounding Circumstances

Playing Free Fire is indeed very stressful.

You don’t just compete with 1 or 2 players, but dozens.

And among all the players you face, there must be some who are good at asking for forgiveness.

Therefore you have to be vigilant during the game.

Don’t be negligent in the slightest.

If you are careless, then you may not be aware of the presence of the opponent from behind.

As a result, you can die silly for not knowing the arrival of the enemy.

7. Take advantage of the Scope

Never underestimate scope.

Because even though it can’t be used to attack enemies directly, the scope will help you in battle.

You can monitor the enemy from a very far distance.

The best scope that can be used in Free Fire is 4x Scope.

Especially if you are a reliable sniper, then the scope will be your true friend during the battle.

8. Using UAV Drones

Until now, there is no application to see the enemy in FF.

Therefore, you can only take advantage of all the features and items in the game.

One of them you can use a UAV Drone.

To do so, you need to stand around the UAV Drone scanning area.

You will later be able to see red dots on the map which are none other than your opponent.

9. Use Free Fire Mod Mod Cheats

I do not recommend this way.

But if you want, you can take advantage of Free Fire MOD.

In this modified FF game, you can more freely see enemy locations on the map.

But the outcome of the game still depends on your shooting skills.

How to use it?

Please search for the information on Google.

It’s been discussed a lot.

But again I warn you, I do not recommend this method.

Because your account has the potential to be permanently banned.

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