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Tips and Ways to Save Energy Starting from Small Activities at Home

Do you feel that your daily activities and at home use wasteful energy? And you want to change your habits to save energy at home? Don’t worry, we’ll give you tips on how to save energy at home!

In physics, energy is a physical property of an object, it can move through fundamental interactions, which can be transformed but cannot be created or destroyed. In layman’s understanding that energy is a fuel or driving force of an object that can be used up and refilled.

Now we are inseparable from the use of energy every day, such as the lights that are constantly on, the cellphones and laptops we use, the water that is continuously sucked in by the water machine, the TV we watch, and so on.

As we know, that at this time we as humans tend to be consumptive and consumerism, in the sense that everything that is really unnecessary for us, we feel we have to own and use it, even on a large scale.

Of course this is very bad for us, as well as for the environment, especially nature.

Without most people realizing it, our consumerism and consumptive attitude towards energy use can be detrimental to us. Such as electricity bills that are increasingly expensive, goods and devices piling up at home, a damaged environment due to the large amount of polluting electronic waste and so on.

How to Save Energy at Home!

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Here are tips for saving energy at home that you can apply, including:

Using Enough Water

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This can greatly save energy. As we know, the water we use at home is supplied using a water machine. And the water machine consumes a large wattage, so that if it is used continuously, the bill will swell. In addition, the stock of clean water also has a limit, so as much as possible my friend should save it so that if one day it happens to be hot, my friend can still use clean water.

Turn off the lights when you feel the sunlight is enough to illuminate the house

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Well, in the morning and afternoon, usually enough sunlight will illuminate the house through the windows and ventilation. Of course, this is a gift given for free by nature. If the house is bright enough, it seems that the lights don’t need to be turned on, right? Unless the weather is cloudy and dark.

Open windows and ventilation

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These tips still have a direct correlation with the previous tips. So as much as possible my friend open the windows and ventilation. In addition to the entry of light, this is also useful for health, because there will be air circulation. So you get good air and don’t get stuck in dirty air.

Unplug the equipment that is plugged into the socket if you want to travel

This may be a trivial thing but it is quite impactful for our home electricity bills. Now for those of you who want to travel, especially for a long time, as much as possible, you have to unplug the device or equipment. In addition to avoiding the use of wasted electrical energy, this can also be a prevention against cases of fire due to an electrical short circuit.

Avoid charging your cellphone or laptop overnight

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A cellphone or laptop that is charged overnight is not recommended, you know! Even though the charger already has a feature to cut the electric current if the cellphone is fully charged, the electricity supply still runs even though it’s small. This can also reduce the lifespan of the charger or battery for the HP or laptop itself.

Don’t use the AC and the fan too often

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This not only makes electricity bills more expensive, but also affects health. It’s better if you don’t use it if the weather is friendly and it’s not too hot.

Collecting enough plants at home to keep them cool

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Of course this is still related to the previous tips, well enough plants at home can make the house cool, you know. Because plants themselves absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen which is good for our health.

Don’t turn on the television non-stop

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Now the television also has quite a large wattage, this can affect the electricity bill later. In addition, this can extend the life of the TV itself.

Unplug the dispenser, if you rarely use hot water

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Another trivial thing that is no less influential is the problem of the dispenser not being turned off. Even though the residents of the house rarely drink hot or warm water. From now on, if you feel you don’t need it, you can remove it. And if you want to heat water, you can just heat it on the stove (it heats up faster too).

Unplug the rice cooker when the rice is cooked

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Well, especially the old rice cookers use a large electricity supply. The average person rarely pulls out rice for reasons that the rice stays warm. Do you guys eat rice every minute? I don’t. From now on, you can pull out the rice when it’s cooked. The rice will not go stale, as long as you keep the rice cooker clean, and always close it.

Setting the Refrigerator Temperature

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Sometimes we forget to set the temperature of the refrigerator, but this is very influential. Now the lower the temperature, the refrigerator will take a large supply of electricity. Well, if you feel that you use the refrigerator only to cool food, not make ice cubes, you can set the temperature in the middle range.

Manage when to wash clothes in the washing machine

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So for those of you who have a washing machine, don’t use it too often. Because the washing machine wattage is also quite large. If your clothes are few and can be washed by your own hands, wash them. Instead of just washing some clothes, it can waste water as well as electricity. Or you can also choose the option by collecting as many dirty clothes as the washing machine can accommodate, and then washing them in the washing machine. This in addition to saving energy, also my friend does not need to work more.

Using Solar Panels (solar panels) if you can

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In fact, solar panels can be a big investment, you know! Indeed, solar panels themselves are not cheap to install. But with solar panels, you can pay very little electricity bills and even not pay them at all. In addition, you also take part in protecting the environment

Those are our tips for saving energy at home that you can try to save your electricity bill so it’s not expensive. Also my friend helps protect nature and the environment from damage due to our excessive attitude.

Read also: Minimize the App, the Internet Quota Saver Application That Says Up To 90 Percent

The final word

How? How to save energy above is very easy to implement, isn’t it in everyday life? Please, friends, try it!

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