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Parents on Facebook Ask the Minister of Communication and Information to Block Online Games, Netizens Say

GAMEFINITY.ID, Singkawang – Recently there was a post asking the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) to block online games from Indonesia. Not without reason, this person wants his children to focus on school studies by blocking online games.

The text post uploaded by a Facebook account named Finti Musarofah in the Jamaah Ustad Adi Hidayat group has gone viral and has been shared by thousands of people.

Indeed, online games can have a bad impact, but it can also have a positive impact if you know how to control yourself.

Various netizen comments who saw the post began to arrive. There are approximately 2 thousand comments responding to Finti Musarofah’s post. Of course there are those who agree and there are those who do not agree with this statement.

It’s not the fault of online games, only you parents can’t educate their children properly
Turning online games into scapegoats
Heyyy, reflect on yourselves!
Still small given HP!
*CHUUAAKKKZZZ,“said a Facebook account named Mas Adi.

Many parents have asked many times but there is no response from the Minister of Communication and Information.. We parents also hope that this will be a serious concern from the esteemed members of the legislature… in order to remind the Ministry of Information of the dangers of the impact of online games.. Hopefully there will still be the kindness of the esteemed gentlemen…“said a Facebook account named Fachrul Kesuma Dharma.

There were several comments that were highlighted by netizens. The reason is, in those comments they regretted parents who should have supervised children playing gadgets but instead blamed the Minister of Communication and Information and asked to block the online game.

never mind children parent also forget the time when playing games,” wrote Ira Hastuti’s Facebook account.

In general we see, sometimes we as parents often too play MOBILE PHONE. Jadichild-child also automatically follow habits person old. Person old reflection of dri children, said the Raja Perfume Wholesale account.

Just confiscate his cellphone, limit playing 3 hours a day, after that study, but you also have to guide, don’t tell children to study, you go gossiping,” wrote another netizen

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