Lesley Mobile Legends Build Hurts, Deadly Shot!
Lesley Mobile Legends build hurts, chasing savage is no longer a dream for Vexa friends. Lesley is a marksman assassin hero type, Harley’s older sister can deal tremendous damage. Heroes such as mages and marksman who have thin blood can be easy targets for long-barreled rifles. No one can escape this purple-haired girl’s shot.
Although Lesley’s shots are slow, in one shot she can cause deadly damage. If you can use this marksman with the right build, then two shots at the opponent’s hero will cause death. Until now, Lesley is still considered as the favorite marksman in the rankings, because her wide range is also an advantage.
The following Skill and Build Lesley Mobile Legends hurts

Even though Lesley’s shots have dealt deadly damage, using the right build will be more satisfying. Lesley Mobile Legends build this time is a build item from Jess No Limit. You can rely on this build item to support Lesley’s deadly abilities. Here is Lesley Mobile Legends from Jess No Limit:

- Rapid Boots
- Berserkers Fury
- Golden Staff
- Scarlet Phantom
- Endless Battle
- Windtalker
There are also several recommended build items from Mobile Legends. Some of these Lesley builds are the mainstay of some very reliable Lesley users. Here are some Lesley builds from several players that Vexa friends can use:

Lesley Mobile Legends Skills
Lesley is one of those marksman who doesn’t use mana. He specializes in reap and burst damage due to his terrible attacks. There are so many advantages of Lesley’s skills that you should know. Here are all of Lesley’s deadly skills:

Passive Skill: Lethal Shoot
This passive skill will give Lesley five points if it hits the opponent. Lesley will get a basic attack with a longer range if she is not hit for 5 seconds. This longer range will cause a critical chance of 35 percent and 1.3 times additional damage. It will be highly recommended if you continue to dodge attacks so you can continue to do more damage.
Skill 1: Master of Camouflage
Lesley will turn invisible for 3 seconds while increasing her movement speed and physical attack. Even though it turned invisible, the opponent could still know Lesley’s presence. If the opponent attacks Lesley while in camouflage, it will thwart Lesley’s camouflage. In addition, this skill will also provide greater attack damage when Lesley’s camouflage is lost.
Skill 2: Tactical Grenade
Use the Tactical Grenade skill to escape from enemy movements. This skill will make Lesley jump backwards while pushing the enemy away from him. Lesley can also use this skill to cancel her ultimate skill.
Skill 3: Ultimate Snipe
Lesley will fire a deadly bullet at the targeted enemy. This skill can kill an opponent who is dying because his deadly bullet shot is fired 4 times. This skill can be blocked by an opponent protecting the target Lesley. Make sure to use this skill in a safe place because Lesley will stay in place to focus her target.
Mistakes that User Lesley Should Avoid
After learning the skills and build of Lesley Mobile Legends, it will also be very important to avoid mistakes when using this marksman assassin. The following is a summary of some of Lesley’s user errors according to the HEROISGOD Youtube account owner:

Pick Lesley when the team lacks damage in the early game
Lesley is a late game hero because in the early game he will only deal small damage. Lesley’s small damage in the early game makes it a bit difficult because even when farming you can’t be alone. Especially if teammates use heroes like Aldous and Hayabusa, they all need farming, this can make the team’s strength unbalanced. Use a hero who already has damage at the beginning of the game so that someone can handle it in the early game.
Passive Not Maximized
Many Lesley users also miss critical of Lesley’s passive attacks. Every 5 seconds if Lesley is not attacked, her basic attack will result in a critical chance, use it before using the skill again. By using passive skills, skill one, shoot again so that you can get critical 2 times.
Panic Jump Skill 2
Often times, Lesley’s users are confused when they meet their opponents and immediately use skill two. This skill does not work for heroes who have immune. Be careful because they can just lure Lesley out of her two skills then the opponent will immediately kidnap Lesley. Use skill one first then use skill two.
Also Read: Build Savage Gord Mobile Legends, Great Mystical Power
After learning everything about Lesley such as skills, Lesley’s build, even the mistakes that Lesley users often encounter, make sure Vexa friends remember and practice the tips we shared earlier. If there is something you want to share, Vexa friends, please share in the comments column, yes!
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