Nepal's Efforts to Block PUBG Mobile Threatened to be Canceled?, Jakarta – Nepal’s telecommunications authority is working to block PUBG Mobile. They ask all internet network providers to block traffic coming from game servers PUBG Mobile.
However, it seems that the blocking effort is in danger of being canceled. The reason is, Nepal’s Supreme Court has given a provisional decision for the government agency not to block it games tobattle royale genre that.
Judge Ishwar Prasad Khatiwada revealed that PUBG Mobile is nothing more than a game games which is a means of entertainment.
{Read also: Worried that children will become addicted to games, Nepal blocks PUBG
Furthermore, the Supreme Court of Nepal also considered that blocking PUBG Mobile was an irrational act.
Because, according to the Money Control report as reported by on Tuesday (23/04/2021), freedom of expression has been regulated in the country’s laws.
Therefore, a blocking action must be truly fair and based on a clear reason.
The Supreme Court of Nepal considers the decision of the Nepalese telecommunications authority to block PUBG Mobile, which was approved by the Kathmandu District Court, unreasonable.
It is also waiting for a response from the government agency regarding the provisional decision. The blocking of PUBG Mobile in Nepal still invites mixed reactions from the public.
A number of parents said they were relieved when the ban was enforced. On the other hand, young people there protested the policy.
{Read also: Gamers in India Can Only Play PUBG Six Hours per Day}
This is not the only slanted comment made to the government. There are a number of challenging parties to block platform other internet-based services such as Facebook and Twitter as well as a number of games other. (BA/FHP)
Source: Money Control
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