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Najwa Shihab Taught to Play Mobile Legends with Jess No Limit

Jess No Limit teaches Najwa Shihab to play Mobile Legends

YouTube Jess No Limit

Jess No Limit teaches Najwa Shihab to play Mobile Legends

GridGames.ID – Jess No Limit is teaching Najwa Shihab who is familiarly called Mbak Nana, a well-known newscaster in Indonesia, how to play games, guys.

Through the video that Jess No Limit uploaded to her Youtube channel, Mbak Nana said that she had been taught PUBG Mobile by Jess No Limit. But, now it’s the turn of the MOBA game that is selling well in Southeast Asia, Mobile Legends.

Mbak Nana admits that she has never played Mobile Legends at all. “As far as I know, Mobile Legends is a game that is played with a team, there are characters and kills. Isn’t that right?” said Mbak Nana while reassuring her words to Jess No Limit.

Also Read: Cool! This is the appearance of the motorbike that is present in the latest PUBG Mobile Update

Jess No Limit confirmed Ms Nana’s words and immediately handed her a smartphone for Ms Nana to use to play Mobile Legends.

Eits, for beginners like Mbak Nana, Jess has not been able to give a heavy game. So, Jess chose Practice Mode to try playing with Mbak Nana.

The first thing Mbak Nana did was to choose the hero to be played.

“It’s funny how red hair is,” said Mbak Nana pointing at Fanny’s hero.

Jess’s expression was immediately shocked. “Well, this one’s hard to play with,” said Jess.


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