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Kulgar Finally Opens Up Against Ruok FF's Case!

Do you still remember the case of a Youtuber that recently happened? Yes, the Ruok FF case is still being discussed by several Youtubers.

This case occurred when a YouTuber from Thailand who created Free Fire content and was trusted and loved by his fans was reportedly using cheats.

Several Youtubers and Content Creators have accused Ruok of using a script that makes him so smooth in playing, always having a headshot, and doing a lot of damage.

READ ALSO: This is the List of 500 Free Fire Accounts November 2021

Kulgar who is a Free Fire Youtuber, as well as a person from Garena directly, opened his voice to discuss Ruok FF in his video!

After several Youtubers discussed the Ruok case, Kulgar finally discussed a little through his glasses.

Also Read: Due to Ruok FF’s comments, it’s Youtube’s turn to be insulted by Thai YouTubers!

Kulgar’s Response to Ruok FF!

In his recent video, Kulgar mentioned and discussed a bit about the booming Ruok FF case.

He also said that while playing Clash Squad, he had not watched the video that made the Thai YouTuber go viral, so he could not confirm whether he used cheats or not.

It’s just that the Youtuber’s business uses cheats or it shouldn’t be the job of the General Manager (GM) in Thailand, because GM in Indonesia and Thailand are different.

It’s hard to know if he’s cheating or not, guys, because he’s from the Thai region, and GM Indo and GM Thailand are different.” He said while playing.

While discussing the next top up prize leak, Kulgar said he would try to contact GM Thailand for discussion.

Also Read: Video Clarification from Ruok Free Fire (FF) for Cheat Accusations!

And if it is true that Ruok cheated, then the Thai GM will be asked to immediately ban his account, and must act quickly.

Yes, later we will try to contact the GM Thailand, yes, and if it turns out to be a cheat, we will ask for the account to be banned” said Kulgar.

So, be careful, Spinners, Garena doesn’t see people like Youtubers or athletes, if you get cheated, you’ll be banned!

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