20 Tips for Survival in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is a Battle Royale game that managed to achieve success in a very fast time coming to Early Access in March 2021 and this game is now very quickly becoming the most popular game with the battle royale genre on PC. Want Chicken Dinner? Take a look at the following pubg survival tips to be able to survive longer in the match.
This game has a mode that turns out to be very liked by gamers around the world, where 100 online players from everywhere and unrecognized plunge into an island measuring 18 × 18 kilometers, and face each other to survive and fight to the death to survive. could be the last. If you manage to be the last person you will win the game and get a Chicken Dinner, isn’t it exciting?
And for this popular game we will give you 20 essential Guides to become the strongest and survive till the end.
1. Press CTRL+T Quickly
CTRL+T is useful for muting voice chat. You have to do this because everyone in the lobby will talk as they please and sometimes the speech is very rude and very unpleasant to hear.
For 1 minute you will wait for players to gather up to 100 people and after that you will be in a plane filled with players from all over the world, make sure to keep voice chat off.
2. Landing As Soon As Possible
Being the first person to land safely on the island was very important. Because if you are late maybe the weapons and items in the area have been taken by other players.
3. Know and Understand Your Landing Zone
via Gfycat
Landing in an area that you think has the best quality weapons and items is fine, but you need to look at your surroundings. If an area that has quality weapons and items is usually visited by many players, and that’s a sign you will meet enemies who are ready to shoot you. You can check the map in PUBG to see the surroundings via here.
4. Don’t stop Moving
When you are in a position of urgency or see the enemy is shooting, keep moving so that the enemy is confused when aiming at you, also when you are in a firefight, use the WASD button.
5. Use freelook
PUBG has a Freelook feature that few people know about and it’s actually useful for changing positions while taking cover in a tree or wall. Press the Alt key to shift the camera direction.
In third person view then you press the right mouse button and then press the Q and E keys you will peek and see the surroundings.
While in third-person view, if you click and hold down your right mouse button, then tap Q and E, you can swap shoulder views. This is useful if you are trying to peek at different sides of the cover or carefully on your way around corners.
7. Bushes
Have you ever thought about taking cover in the bushes from enemy attacks? If so don’t do it again, the bushes will not protect you even in some users can still see you when taking cover in the bushes.
Read also: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds has sold more than 20 million copies
8. Understand the Blue Circle
PUBG has a blue circle that keeps you from being too relaxed to explore the rest of the island, and this blue circle will tell you to continue your journey to the end, and learning when it shrinks will be very useful.
Here are the times for each circle:
- Circle 1: 5 minutes
- Circle 2: 3 minutes 20 seconds
- Circle 3: 2 minutes 30 seconds
- Circle 4: 2 minutes
- Circle 5: 2 minutes
- Circle 6: 1 minute 30 seconds
- Circle 7: 1 minute 30 seconds
- Circle 8: 1 minute
In some zones it will do less damage and you can still use items to reduce the damage, but if the energy barrier reaches the next white circle while you are still outside, the damage will be doubled. Damage will increase with each circle.
9. What is the use of armor vests?
Maybe when you’re just starting out you’re bound to take everything in sight, but now you need to look at the citations because level 3 armor vests have two sets of stats: durability, and damage reduction.
Durability tells you how much damage the armor can take before it kills you, damage reduction tells you the percentage of damage the armor must offset until it breaks, increasing through tiers. Furthermore a piece of armor is 100% effective until the moment it is destroyed. That means a Tier 3 helmet with 1 durability will still save you from the Kar 98k headshot.
Tier 1 armor Deals 30% damage reduction and has 80 durability on helmets, 200 on vests.
Tier 2 armor Deals 40% damage reduction and has 150 durability on helmets, 220 on vests.
Tier 3 armor Deals 55% damage reduction and has 230 durability on helmets, 250 on vests.
It’s also worth noting that arms and legs are unaffected by armor, but you do 50% damage reduction while there, while headshots deal 2.5x more damage than chest shots. Effectively, arms and legs had permanent ‘Tier 2.5’ armor.
Credit to akadiablo2213 for some fantastic testing.
10. What is the best weapon?
There are many weapons in PUBG with the types of pistols, SMGs, rifles, and shotguns. And all of them have very, very different levels or qualities. You need to check out our post on the best (and worst) PUBG weapons here.
11. Watch out for the red zone
PUBG has 2 circles that you need to pay attention to, the white and blue circles you may have seen often and we have given the tips above. But there is one more circle, namely the Red Zone, this circle will not forgive anyone in this zone. This zone will be subject to random explosions of fire and bombs and you have to run as fast as possible or drive something to get out and avoid them.
Many players have died silly in this red zone, and you shouldn’t be next.
12. Diving
You need to know in the PUBG game when you swim in water you will be protected from other players’ shots and this may give you an advantage, but of course in the water you don’t shoot enemies.
13. Don’t kill your teammates
Instead of killing your teammates it’s better to save ammunition for the enemies, killing teammates will only reduce your chances of winning the match. PUBG also provides a zero-tolerance policy for killing teammates. Killing a teammate on purpose can get you banned, and killing a teammate for a joke can get you banned, and even killing a teammate who has killed another of your teammates can get you banned for good.
14. Communicating with the team
Talking to that teammate will give you very important information and will improve your winning presentation because if your team can’t focus on just your character, you need to help each other.
15. Move fast
If you’re under fire from enemies or trying to escape the circle of death, try saving your weapon by pressing the X button and it will make you run much faster than running with a gun.
16. Use boost
PUBG has items that are quite important to strengthen the character’s stamina, namely painkillers and energy drinks. Above the health bar are four small bars. It represents the four stages of encouragement, with the following effects.
1 Bar: You will slowly heal over time.
2 Bars: You will heal over time a little faster.
3 Bars: You will run a little faster.
4 Bar: You’ll be aiming your weapon down a bit faster.
Boosts are also the only way to heal when they are damaged, apart from using rare medkits. If you get to the end of the game and have a pile of items to boost use those items because they will be very useful.
17. Discovery distance and range
PUBG Island is very wide and don’t let you waste useless time just circling it. You can search on google to see the range of the best items and weapons in PUBG and memorize them.
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18. Zoom
Use the zoom weapon right click the mouse it will increase the range of the weapon and it will be very easy to aim at the enemy especially if you have a scope it will be very useful.
19. Voice is Key
Sound is a key element that can make you better at playing. Wear the headset that you have, PUBG designed this game not to escape the sound quality so the sound of footprints, the sound of weapons, the sound of vehicles will sound straightforward and clear.
20. Close the door
By default all doors in each building will be closed so when you enter the building immediately close the door again. Usually, you don’t want to announce to other players that you’re in a building, and an open door signifies that pretty clearly. If someone doesn’t know you’re in a building, they might just enter without caring. In the above gif it has been proven.
Read more guides, tips and tricks:
So those are the twenty tips from the PUBG game that we can present to you, hopefully it will be useful and useful. And don’t forget to share this post on your social media.
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