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How to Identify and Clean Spyware on HP

Actually there are several definitions of Spyware. But the most common definition is, Spyware can be interpreted as a program designed to steal or intercept important user data such as passwords, PINs, emails and other important confidential data.

Not only that, Spyware also sometimes steals user browsing information such as what websites users frequently visit, user login information and so on. The existence of this Spyware is very detrimental and dangerous for both user data and user devices (in some cases, Spyware can cause bootloop and system damage).

Through articles on its official website, Kaspersky Lab categorizes Spyware into four parts, namely adware, trojans, tracking cookies, and system monitors. Some of these Spyware have their respective roles, including:

  • Adware is a type of Spyware that is the main mastermind behind the popup fish that often appear and open automatically in the victim’s cellphone browser.
  • Trojan is a type of Spyware that has the task of damaging the victim’s HP system so that it hangs or even boots.
  • Tracking cookies are infiltrated files that are intentionally embedded in the user’s HP storage so that this file will record or track the victim’s browsing history.
  • Meanwhile, the system monitor is in charge of recording special activities such as what keyboard keys the victim often types, recording the victim’s email address and even passwords.

Spyware Dangers and Impacts

There are many negative impacts if your cellphone is infected with Spyware, including the following:

1. Your important data can be stolen

Your important data can be stolen

You must have important data or files located on your cellphone. The data can vary, ranging from photos, videos, songs or even important documents that not just anyone can access.

One of the dangers of Spyware is that it can steal your important data or files without your knowledge. This spyware works by tapping and is difficult to detect (only a powerful antivirus can detect it).

Not only stealing your important data, this Spyware is also capable of stealing or retrieving your browsing history, login details (email and passwords) stored on a website and so on.

2. Internet connection is slow

Some of the most annoying types of Spyware are often displaying very annoying popup ads its users. Not only that, these popup ads usually open on their own in your browser, even opening up to 5-10 pages right away. This causes internet usage to become more wasteful and causes slow internet loading.

3. Your android performance starts to decline

Your android performance starts to decline

Spyware habits running in the background make resource consumption increase. CPU and RAM performance is suddenly high even though you don’t open any applications. It’s all the work of annoying Spyware.

In some cases, this spyware can also make your cellphone hang or not responding. This is because all resources are used by Spyware.

4. Your internet quota runs out quickly

As mentioned earlier that this Spyware act can cause your internet quota to run out quickly. Regularly displaying popup ads and other activities from Spyware that require a connection can make your internet quota run out quickly without you knowing it.

5. Bootloop occurs

Bootloop occurs

The most severe impact of the existence of Spyware is bootlop or system damage to your cellphone. Bootloop is a condition where your cellphone boots (restarts) and only displays the Android logo repeatedly.

Maybe you can use a shortcut by using the factory format feature that returns your cellphone to its default state (factory settings / initial purchase). Even then you have to sacrifice your important data forcibly deleted.

How to Clean Spyware with Malwarebytes

To check for Spyware as well as clean it, you can use an Anti-Spyware application called Malwarebytes.

1. Install the Malwarebytes application via the Playstore. Just type “Malwarebytes” in the search field, the application will appear, just click Install and wait for it to finish.

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2. Open the Malwarebytes application. It looks more or less like the picture below, then select Get Started.

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3. Malwarebytes requires permission to access files on your HP storage. This is necessary to check whether the files are safe from spyware or other viruses. Therefore, choose give permission.

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4. If a warning appears like this, just select Allow.

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5. Malwarebytes has 2 versions, the first is a free version and the second is a Premium version. Since we are using the free version, select SKIP.

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6. You will be taken to the dashboard or main menu of the Malwarebytes application. To ensure that your cellphone is safe from spyware / other viruses, we need to do a scan on your cellphone.

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7. Scroll down a bit, then select Run full scan to do a scan on your cellphone.

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8. Wait for the scanning process to complete. The length of this process depends on the size and number of files stored on your HP storage.

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9. The scanning process is complete. I didn’t find any harmful spyware or viruses on my cellphone.

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Malwarebytes is quite effective in eradicating various types of Spyware. Many have given positive reviews about Malwarebytes. One of You can read a reliable review about Malwarebytes here.

Tips to Prevent Spyware Effectively

Prevention is of course better than fixing. As an Android user, there are several things you need to pay attention to in order to avoid Spyware infections that are very detrimental and endanger your cellphone.

1. Do not download carelessly on the internet

Don't download carelessly on the internet

Uploading and downloading activities become the daily routine of internet users. You may have several times downloaded free files on the internet. Even then, you can do it without worry and just enjoy it when you download free files, whether it’s mp3 songs, movies, videos, documents and so on.

The habit of downloading these free files is one of the factors that causes your cellphone to be infected by Spyware. From now on, be wise in downloading anything from the internet and make sure what you download is safe and not suspicious files. Also make sure you download files from sites that are trusted and free from viruses.

2. Install the Anti-Spyware application

There are many Anti-Spyware applications that you can use, of course each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Our first recommendation is Malwarebytes or you can use other alternatives like AVG or Avast.

The installation of an Anti-Spyware application can minimize the presence of Spyware on your cellphone. In addition, some Anti-Spyware applications are also equipped with a RAM cleaner feature that you can use to clean up junk files that accumulate and are useless.

3. Avoid installing applications carelessly

Avoid installing applications carelessly

Another bad habit of Android users is the hobby of installing applications carelessly. The applications that are most often installed are applications that are able to make money instantly, even though all of that is a lie. Spyware or other types of viruses are usually planted in these applications, which of course have a bad impact on your cellphone.

4. Don’t open suspicious emails

It’s not an open secret if spam emails are still done by people irresponsible. As an internet user, you must be wiser and alert to incoming emails in your inbox.

If the file is suspicious and even uses a foreign language that you don’t understand, it’s better to delete it immediately. Do not click on links or download attachments included in the email. It could be that the email has been infiltrated by Spyware and intends to steal your important data.

5. Minimize the use of VPN applications

Minimize the use of VPN apps

VPN applications are often used to open sites that are blocked by the government. There are also those who use VPNs to open illegal and dangerous sites.

Not all VPN applications are malicious and contain Spyware. There are also those that are safe to use. Even so, we strongly recommend that you minimize the use of VPNs to avoid unwanted things.

With the above article, I hope you are more careful with your activities on the internet so you don’t get infected with Spyware which can cause data loss or even damage the system on your cellphone. Always use the Anti-Spyware application that we recommend to keep your cellphone in a safe condition. Hopefully useful and don’t forget to share it with your relatives and friends!

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