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How to Get a Diamond Mobile Legends Promo Using a VPN on a Cambodian Server!

Here’s how to get the Mobile Legends diamond promo using a VPN on the Cambodia server!

The Mobile Legends diamond promo event is the most awaited event for players from wherever they come from.

Because at this event, we can get big discounts to buy things at the shop, including skins, gacha effect recall, bags, bags, and so on.

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However, getting this diamond promo is quite difficult where there are two ways to get it, namely through the Mille Crepe Mobile legends event and the Benedetta event.

Where in the Mille Crepe event we are required to occupy position 1 and the tart while the Benedetta event we are required to have gacha to get it.

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vpn promo diamond mobile legends

But wait, spinners, there is one more way to get this diamond promo, namely through a VPN on the Cambodia (Cambodia) server.

The way to get it is also very easy where you have to login first using a Cambodia VPN and then complete the mission, which is to play matches with friends and share events.

If you want to try to get this diamond promo using a VPN, first you have to download an application called “Panda VPN“In the playstore, if you have connected it to the Cambodia server, then open your Mobile Legends application.

You can find out more about it in the video below!

Additional information not all accounts get access to this Cambodia Mobile Legends server because the author has tried it directly.

The author’s account can’t access the Cambodia server and complete the event but the author’s friend’s account can access it.

Maybe this method is still in the stage of justification by Moonton because it is very detrimental to them, so if you can’t, it must have been fixed because they don’t want it like the KOF event yesterday.

So good luck, spinners! Don’t forget to visit the SPIN Website for other latest updates, and follow Instagram and Youtube we.

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