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Jinx's Best Build in LoL Wild Rift 2021!

Jinx’s Best Build in LoL Wild Rift 2021!

As one of the ADC champions, Jinx is a character often chosen by players. Here are the best Jinx builds in League of Legends: Wild Rift 2021.

Jinx is one of the champions that you can get immediately after going through the LoL Wild Rift tutorial. This champion who has an ADC role is very easy to use for those of you who are just starting this moba game.

Besides being very easy to use, Jinx is also often chosen by its players in pvp matches.

Jinx has a pretty lethal skill as a natural ADC. His passive skill can increase movement speed and attack speedher after doing takedown both to the opposing champion and the opposing tower.

In addition, as a free champion, skill 1 from Jinx is quite terrible, he is able to turn his weapon into a rocket launcher and get additional distance and additional damage.

Even though it looks easy to use, do you know the best build to use for this champion? Here are the best builds that you can use for Jinx.

Best Build Jinx LoL Wild Rift

Reported from this build for Jinx is not much different from the default recommended build from LoL Wild Rift because it is more focused on being used for the dragon lane role.

Build Jinx 2020


Items suitable for use by Jinx:

  • Infinity Edge
  • Gluttonous Greaves
  • Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Bloodthirster
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Guardian Angel
  • Quicksilver Enchant (Enchant Boots)

Jinx Build 2020


Runes that must be used by Jinx:

  • Fleet Footwork
  • Brutal
  • Regeneration
  • Manaflow Band

Also Read: Best Yi LoL Wild Rift Master Build 2021!

Summoner Spells

Summoner spells you should choose for Jinx:

That’s the best build for the Jinx champion, is the build the best for you?

Which items or runes should be replaced? Or have you found the best build for you?

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