How to Create a Cares Protect Account Easily
Due to the restriction policy issued by the government, most places such as malls, hospitals, and other service places have begun to apply visitors who are required to have a vaccine certificate at least once issued through the PeduliLindung application. Of course, for those of you who have been vaccinated, you don’t need to worry.
Well, the presence of the PeduliLindung application that can display vaccine certificates is very helpful, besides that it also has several useful features. But to enter the application, you must register first. Then how to create a Cares Protect account? see here!
How to Create a Cares Protect Account and Check Vaccine Certificates
The PeduliLindung application is currently required to be installed on everyone’s cellphone, especially those with high mobility. Well, for those who don’t know what the PeduliLindung application is, according to the official website, PeduliLindung is an application developed to assist relevant government agencies in tracking to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
This application relies on community participation to share location data with each other while traveling so that contact history tracing with COVID-19 sufferers can be carried out.
Users of this application will also get a notification if they are in a crowd or are in a red zone, namely an area or village where it has been recorded that there are people infected with positive COVID-19 or there are patients under surveillance.
That’s the meaning and use of the PeduliLindung application. If you already understand what the PeduliLindung application is, you can see the steps to create an account as well as how to check your friend’s vaccine certificate.
Here’s how to create an account and view Vaccine certificates in the Cares for Protection app.
- Open Browser
The first step, please open a browser on your cellphone or computer, then type “List Cares to Protect” on Google, then select the “Register” option. If you want to register through the application, please download it first on the Google Play Store or the Apps Store.
- Register By Email
If you want to register/create an account via an email address, please select the Email Address option, and fill in the required data correctly and accordingly. Then click the tick in the terms of use and click Register
- Register by Phone Number
If you want to create a PeduliLindung account using a cellphone or telephone number, please select the Phone Number option. Then fill in the required data correctly and accordingly. Then click the tick in the terms of use and click Register
- Check Verification Code
After you fill in your data and click register, PeduliLindung will send a 6-digit verification code to your email or phone. Please check your email/sms for this code, and enter the code correctly.
- Go to Main Page
After successfully registering, you will enter the main page of the Cares Protect application. Later my friend will be asked to turn on the location / GPS. Please turn on the GPS buddy
- Login to Account
After you turn on the GPS, you can enter the Account menu in the upper right corner. If any data is requested, please complete it accordingly.
- Check Vaccine Certificate
If you have, you can directly enter the Vaccine Certificate menu to later be able to check the status of your vaccine and your vaccine certificate
- Check Vaccine Certificate
In this menu, the status of the first and second vaccines will be displayed. In addition, you can also view your vaccine certificate with the appropriate identity and barcode
- Download Vaccine Certificate
If you want to print it or just save it in the HP gallery, please click the certificate and scroll down and click Download Certificate to start downloading the certificate. Likewise with the second vaccine certificate.
How? how to create an account PeduliLindung very easy and fast right? Please, my friend, follow the steps to make it work!
How Does CareProtect Work?
For those of you who are curious about how the PeduliLindung application works, you can know that when you download PeduliLindung, the system will ask for your approval to activate location data. With active location conditions, the application will periodically identify your location and always provide information regarding the crowds and zoning of the spread of COVID-19.
Results tracing This will make it easier for the government to identify who needs to receive further treatment so that the spread of COVID-19 can be stopped. Thus, the more people’s participation using this application, the more it will help the government in tracing and tracking.
Of course, the PeduliLindung application is very concerned about your privacy. Don’t worry, your data is stored securely in an encrypted format and will not be shared with others. Your data will only be accessed if you are at risk of contracting COVID-19 and need to be contacted by health workers immediately.
For what? sophisticated is not this application? that’s how to create a PeduliLindung account and how the PeduliLindung app works.
CareProtect Application Features
Of course, this application has several features, here are the Care Protect features that you can check out.
Tracking Virus Spread
The first feature is that this system can track the spread of the virus. How could that be? only by activating the location, you will assist the relevant government agencies in tracking to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). So that you can participate in taking care of your family and even other people so that they are both safe.
Zoning Information and Crowd Notifications
Another feature is that there is zoning information and crowd notifications. Where this feature, my friend will get information on the zoning area of the spread of COVID-19 (red, yellow, green) according to the location where you live or the location you choose and get notifications if you are in a crowd. Of course this feature is very helpful, not if you have high mobility due to business or work.
Medical examination
Another feature is that there is a health check. If at any time you need the help of health workers, you can immediately use the Teledokter feature to carry out independent health checks and consult with health workers regarding your health condition easily, you know! Of course this feature is very important, the article can make it easier if we are in a state of illness or symptoms.
How to Check Health Facilities That Provide Vaccination and Vaccine List
For those of you who have not yet vaccinated due to work delays or because the area is not supportive, you can try the feature to find health facilities that serve vaccinations. What are the steps?
Via Website
- First, please friends, go through the official website here
- If so, please scroll and look at the column, then fill in the address you want. For example, if you have a place to live in Manggarai, please type Manggarai (if you want to be specific, you can click the option “search by province/district/district)”
- Then the full address will appear later than the health service that provides the closest vaccination from the area you choose
- Finished!
Vaccine List Via Application
Not much different, you can also find health facility services that provide vaccine services, here’s how
- First open the Cares Protect application
- Then log in with your friend’s account
- After that, my friend will enter the main page, now here, please select the option “Vaccine Registration”
- After that, my friend can fill in the NIK data and Full Name in the column provided
- Then please complete the existing form
- Last Confirm
- Finished!
That’s how to check health facilities and how to register vaccines through the application. of course very easy is not it? please follow it!
Contact CareProtect
For those of you who have problems related to the Cares Protect application or certificates that have not been issued, you can contact the Cares Protect contact here:
- Instagram :
- Twitter : Protect
- Youtube : Care Protect
- Email
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The final word
That’s an explanation of how to easily create a PeduliLindung account, how to check vaccine certificates, how to check health facilities that serve vaccines, and how to register vaccines through the PeduliLindung application that we can convey. In this way, you can be more aware of yourself and those around you, right? Hope it is useful!
PeduliLindung is an application developed to assist relevant government agencies in tracking to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
You can download it through the Google Play Store for Android users, and the Apps Store for iOS users. Or you can download it directly from the official website.
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