Easy Tutorial How to Change Name Among Us
Among Us is a game that is very much discussed by many parties. This one game can indeed be downloaded for Android and iOS users. Well, for those of you who are tired of using the same name, here we will explain how to change the name Among Us.
For information, the graphics quality of Among Us still has a 2D format, and the gameplay also doesn’t have many complicated rules. The reason is that there are only two roles, namely between players being an impostor and you being a Crewmate.
The task in this game is very simple, Impostor is only assigned to kill a Cremate. However, they must also have the ingenuity to hide and eliminate traces so that other players don’t know about the murder.
One more thing, when entering discussion mode, fellow gamers who have the role of Impostor must be good at evading and giving various reasons so that they are not accused of being the perpetrators of murder.
Meanwhile, Crewmate has a task to complete the mission or task available on the notification side as a whole, in order to successfully win the game against Impostor. The most exciting thing about playing Among Us is that between players can make interactions such as voice calls, chat, to negotiate to defend their respective missions.
As an online game, to be able to signify a character with other characters can be distinguished by a nickname or name. With the presence of that name, players can identify and mention other characters while in discussion mode to determine who is the killer.
During playing this game, have you ever changed your nickname or character name? Even though many have played Among Us, there are still people who don’t know how to change their nickname in the gameplay.
You want to change your nickname, this is how to change your name among us, you can try
Your nickname in Among Us will appear above the character used. So that nickname will always be seen wherever you walk. So, if the characters in Among Us have been arranged according to your wishes, it will add to the mood when playing.
You can change the Among Us nickname by entering the game. So, gamers should know that originally changing the name Among Us was very easy. The only problem is that sometimes players in this game are too lazy to find out where the settings option is to change the nickname.
Moreover, if the users of the Among Us game want to put in a little effort, of course, they will immediately know where the settings for changing the Among Us nickname are. However, if you are stuck and don’t know how to change the name Among Us, it’s a good idea for gamers to follow a tutorial like the one below.
If you gamers want to change the Among US name or nickname, here is the complete method:
- Login to Game
First you must first login to the game
- Enter the Online Menu
Next, please select the Online menu
- Have a Name Bar
Once you enter the Online menu, all you need to do is have a name bar and proceed with renaming as desired.
- Select Done
If you are sure with the selected name, click done and your name has been changed
Gamers can only change the Among Us nickname using letters only. You are not allowed to use special characters like %@&#%!. Interestingly, gamers friends can change the character’s name continuously and at any time, even if your name is the same as other players, it doesn’t matter.
Thus the explanation of how to change the name Among Us. Hopefully the tutorial described above is useful for gamers. Good luck!
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