3 Best Miya Mobile Legends Builds
Are you stuck at Rank Epic? And want to pass the Rank? So that you can become a Rank Legend in Mobile Legends? We understand how you feel, Epic Ranks, try to use Miya in Epic Rank matches so that you can win every Epic Rank match.
Why Mia? Because Miya is considered a Hero who can take you out of the Epic Rank, as long as you play right and the build is right and so on. We will help you explain the 3 best Miya Mobile Legends builds that have the potential to win in an Epic Rank match, what are they? Let’s see!
First Miya Build – Windtalker
Miya is a Hero Marksman who relies on attack speed, so it is certain that Miya needs a build that focuses on attack speed. This Miya build is a build that is suitable for Miya, especially when you use Miya in Epic Rank, this build will give Miya an additional 40% attack speed and 20% movement speed, don’t forget the chance effect for a critical attack of 10%.
Movement speed will increase by 5% with the duration of time, which is the effect of the unique passive activate if the Typhoon is issued. Typhoon? Yes Typhoon is a passive skill from the Windtalker item with a duration of a few seconds and magic damage that can reach 362.
The cooldown of this build effect will decrease if the critical chance increases to 50%, if the damage increases drastically when Attack Speed increases to 3 then this attack can then become critical and deal 200% damage (on Minions only). Try to practice and judge for yourself before you decide to try it right away in an Epic Rank match.
Second Miya Build – Scarlet Phantom
This Miya build will make an additional 30% physical damage, an additional 25% critical change, and also an additional 20% attack speed. This build also has a passive ability which will give another 30% attack speed and 5% critical chance for 2 seconds. Did you know that this Scarlet Phantom build is suitable for you to combine with the Windtalker build, so that later Miya can kill enemies in a short time.
If you have managed to build a Scarlet Phantom that has been combined with Windtalker, then Miya will become very Over Powered. Miya will very easily kill opponents quickly, farm quickly, destroy turrets quickly, and also kill Minions and clear lanes quickly.
The build that combines attack speed and movement speed is indeed suitable for Miya Mobile Legends and will have the potential to be a carry, don’t you believe it? Try you practice first by playing casually or playing with Bots, then try the builds that have been recommended by us and feel and judge for yourself.
Miya’s Third Build – Berserker’s Fury
The third Miya build from our recommendation is a build called Berserker’s Fury. If you feel that Miya is not suitable only to rely on a fast attack speed without high damage, then the Berserker’s Fury build is your answer. Builds that only rely on attack speed without high damage will indeed be useless and less effective against Hero Tanks, especially.
This Miya build will make Miya increase 65 physical attacks plus 25% critical change and 40% critical damage attribute. Uniquely, this build also has a unique passive Doom critical hit which will increase by 2% for just 2 seconds. By using this build, it is certain that any Hero with thick Def and HP can feel the pain of Miya’s attack.
Once again we urge you to try each of Miya’s builds, especially this build first before deciding to play and try it directly in Epic Rank mode. If our three builds don’t match and can’t or fail to take you out of Rank Epic, then we can conclude that it’s not the build that’s wrong but skills or something else.
Don’t hesitate and don’t be lazy, you guys to continue to learn and develop yourself in playing Mobile Legends games, you can try reading, practicing and so on as a basis for increasing your knowledge and skills in Mobile Legends. We have finished the Gamefinity article entitled “Listen to 3 Best Miya Mobile Legends Builds That Can Make You Succeed in Epic” You can share and don’t forget to click https://gamefinity.id/ to get more info.
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