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How to Keep Phone Busy on Android and iPhone Easily!

Have you ever had a friend attend a meeting, or chat with your boss, or even while playing a game, suddenly got an incoming call from someone, and it made the atmosphere awkward? So if you are annoyed with something like that, you can take advantage of the call divert feature. Curious how to keep the phone busy on Android and iPhone? You can find it in this discussion!

Talking about the telephone, of course it is inseparable from our daily activities. Talking via telephone is really necessary, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes meeting activities limited and difficult.

Well, sometimes there are people we don’t know who often spam calls to us, or people call us at the wrong time, in fact it can be very annoying. Indeed, even though the smartphone is equipped with a ring or mute mode, it still feels annoying and even if it is rejected, we feel bad. Instead of that, you can take advantage of the busy call feature which we will explain below.

How to Make a Busy Call?

How to Make a Busy Call

Well, for those of you who use Android smartphones, especially those using the latest OS version, you are quite lucky. Because on Android itself you can use and take advantage of the two available features, the first is using the feature Don’t Disturb, and the second is through call settings. We will explain using the Don’t Disturb Fitur Feature first, then continued with an explanation of the call switching feature on Android or iPhone.

Don’t Disturb feature on Android

For mobile gaming friends, you are definitely familiar with this feature, but for those who don’t know, you can try activating this menu in the following way:

  • First, please, my friend, to go to the Settings menu on your cellphone
  • If you are already logged in, you can select the menu option “sounds and vibrations” or if in Indonesian it means “sound and vibration”.
  • After that, my friend can see there are various options, just here select the option “Do not disturb” or “Do not disturb”.
  • Finally, click Ok or slide the toggle button until it lights up on this
  • Finished!

So with the activation of this feature, the sound during phone calls will not be heard even if you use Sound Mode. Please try it on your Android phone, buddy!

Forward Call Features on Android

Now if you want a Busy Call message when the caller contacts you, you can do another way, namely by diverting or forwarding the call. This feature is more or less used by users, especially if they have high mobility. So here’s how to activate it:

  • First, you can open your cellphone, then please click the Settings menu or Settings.
  • If you have, you can directly mask to the menu or phone settings options
  • Continue by selecting the option “call forwarding” or if in Indonesian it means “call forwarding”.
  • After that, you can select the option “Always Forward” or “Always keep going”
  • Now the point is here, there will be a tab to enter a number, so you can directly enter the number you want to use for the purpose of diverting or forwarding incoming calls. We suggest that if you can, my friend, enter a cellphone number that is no longer active, so when it is transferred it is immediately disconnected.
  • With this, you have activated call forwarding mode. Then later the caller will find a busy call when contacting your friend

That’s how to keep the phone busy for Android devices or cellphones. Don’t worry, if you are an iPhone user who also wants to use this feature, you can see the method below.

Keep Phone Busy on iPhone

  • First, please open your iPhone friend
  • After that, you can go to Settings or Settings
  • Please, my friend, scroll down until you find the option “Phone”, then you can click.
  • Then click “Call Forwarding
  • Please, friends, activate this feature by pressing the button toggle until it lights up.
  • Well if my friend has activated Call Forwarding then please click “Forward To”
  • Finally, you just need to enter the divert or forwarded phone number. As we explained above, it’s a good idea to enter a number that is no longer active.
  • Finished!

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The final word

The above is an easy way to make busy calls on Android or iPhone that you can try. how? It’s very easy isn’t it? With this feature, you don’t have to worry about annoying calls at times that you shouldn’t receive calls.

Frequently Asked Questionss (FAQs)

Can You Block Someone’s Phone Number?

Answer: Yes, every smartphone has a phone number block mode. So, when there is an annoying call, you can click on the number and select block.

How to Spam Calls to People?

Answer: Here you can use the applications available on the Play store, or if you understand python programming, you can use Termux and use coding for Phone Spam. But, make sure to use it wisely!

Can I Call Overseas?

Answer: Yes, my friend can call friends or relatives who are abroad. But if you call your relatives who use the provider there, you can use the method provided by each of your providers. Of course, the pulse fee charged will be greater than calling within the country.

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