How to Add a PowerPoint Template (Full+Image)
One of the things you should pay attention to when making a presentation is a template. What are templates? A template is a collection of slides related to the layout, theme color, or style used in filling out the presentation material. With the template, users just need to fill in the outlines of the presentation into the format provided in the template.
Microsoft PowerPoint does provide a variety of templates that are ready to be used for making presentations. However, if you are bored with the existing template, you can add a new template into PowerPoint. One way is that you can download powerpoint templates that are currently available on various sites on the internet. So, how do you add a template to PowerPoint?
Therefore, in this article I will explain to you how to add a new template into PowerPoint. That way, you can reuse the template without having to recreate the template. Here’s a complete explanation of how to add a PowerPoint template.
How to Add a PowerPoint Template
The display of a number of visually attractive slides will help the listeners to enjoy the presentation that you are about to present. One way to create attractive presentation slides is to use a template that matches the material in the presentation.
However, some people don’t have the time to make their own PowerPoint templates because they have to focus on preparing the material. Well, this article is perfect for those of you who want an attractive PowerPoint template, but don’t have the time to make your own template. Come on, see the steps on how to add a PowerPoint template below.
First Step : Download PowerPoint Template
You can add new templates without having to create them manually. That is by downloading powerpoint templates found on the internet for free. Here I will share tips on how to download powerpoint templates.
1. First, please visit a site that provides free powerpoint templates. One of which is site this. Then you will be given various powerpoint template options based on category. For example, here I choose category Abstract.
2. Next, select the template you need. Click the link on the template name. Scroll until you find the following link. Click the link Click Here to Download This PPT Template like in the picture.
3. Wait until the template download process is complete.
Step Two: Adding a Template to PowerPoint
1. Open the PowerPoint software on your computer. Then, enter the menu Options, choose Save. In the Default personal template location section, fill in the name of the directory that states where the template is to be added. After that, click Ok.
2. Open the .PPT file that you downloaded earlier. Re-save the file, but in template format. How to click menu Save As, fill in the name of the file to be added in powerpoint. Save the file in PowerPoint Template (POT/POTX) format.
3. The template you just downloaded has been added to powerpoint. To reuse that template, you can do it like selecting the default template available via the menu New. Select tab Custom, a directory will appear where the templates that have been previously set will be stored. Select menu Desktop like in the picture.
4. And finally, you can use the template whenever you want.
To attract listeners’ attention when making a presentation, templates are the main points that you must pay attention to. Use a template that matches the presentation theme. There are various default templates available in PowerPoint. However, if you want to use a new template you can follow the steps described in this article.
That’s the way you can do to add a new template into PowerPoint. Hopefully the tutorial on how to add a PowerPoint template above can add to your insight and good luck.
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